jueves, 31 de julio de 2008
Imposer: Unholy Ghost Split CD Coming This Fall!
Assaulter Subservience« 7" Out Now
Finally, after delays beyond any type of reason or comprehension, the 7" »Subservience« is now unleashed through Iron Bonehead in Germany.
Visit: www. ironbonehead. de for all details.
Or contact: burning_front@hotmail.com
Visit: www. ironbonehead. de for all details.
Or contact: burning_front@hotmail.com
Carcass: "Exhume To Consume" US Tour Tickets
Many of you have been asking where to purcahse tickets, here are the links to the following shows:
9/05-Worcester, MA @ The Palladium w/ Necrophagist & Dying Fetus
http://purchase. tickets. com/buy/TicketPurchase?organ_val=2295
9/06-New York, NY @ Nokia Theatre w/ Necrophagist
http://www. ticketmaster. com/event/000040DAAC0C5486?artistid=1234805&majorcatid=10001&minorcatid=200
9/07-Montreal, QC @ Medley
http://ww1. ticketpro. ca/event. php?event_id=1066
9/08-Toronto, ON @ Opera House
http://www. ticketmaster. com/event/100040E29F16569D?artistid=1234805&majorcatid=10001&minorcatid=200
9/09-Sayreville, NJ @ Starland Ballroom w/ Necrophagist & Dying Fetus
http://www. ticketmaster. com/event/000040F683744706?artistid=1234805&majorcatid=10001&minorcatid=200
9/10-Baltimore, MD @ Sonar w/ Pig Destroyer & Misery Index
http://www. ticketmaster. com/event/150040F0DDBB7D96?artistid=1239314&majorcatid=10001&minorcatid=60
9/11-Raleigh, NC @ Volume 11
http://www. etix. com/ticket/servlet/onlineSale?action=selectPerformance&searchType=null&performance_id=819226&cobrand=volume11tavern
9/12-Atlanta, GA @ The Masquerade
http://www. ticketmaster. com/event/0E0040F98D964B84?artistid=1241461&majorcatid=10001&minorcatid=60
9/15-Austin, TX @ Emo's
http://www. ticketweb. com/t3/sale/SaleEventDetail?dispatch=loadSelectionData&eventId=290798&REFERRAL_ID=tmfeed
9/18-Los Angeles, CA @ House of Blues
http://www. ticketmaster. com/event/090040FC9D634115?artistid=1241461&majorcatid=10001&minorcatid=60
9/19-San Francisco, CA @ The Grand Ballroom
http://www. ticketmaster. com/event/1C0040F7B6E9394D?artistid=1241461&majorcatid=10001&minorcatid=60
9/21-Seattle, WA @ El Corazon
http://ticketswest. rdln. com/EventSearchResults. aspx?search=True&txt=el+corazon®=0&per=AnyDate&city=&st=
9/22-Vancouver, BC @ Commodore Ballroom
http://www. ticketmaster. ca/venue/139274/?search_redirect=commodore%20ballroom&tm_link=tm_homeA_header_search
9/05-Worcester, MA @ The Palladium w/ Necrophagist & Dying Fetus
http://purchase. tickets. com/buy/TicketPurchase?organ_val=2295
9/06-New York, NY @ Nokia Theatre w/ Necrophagist
http://www. ticketmaster. com/event/000040DAAC0C5486?artistid=1234805&majorcatid=10001&minorcatid=200
9/07-Montreal, QC @ Medley
http://ww1. ticketpro. ca/event. php?event_id=1066
9/08-Toronto, ON @ Opera House
http://www. ticketmaster. com/event/100040E29F16569D?artistid=1234805&majorcatid=10001&minorcatid=200
9/09-Sayreville, NJ @ Starland Ballroom w/ Necrophagist & Dying Fetus
http://www. ticketmaster. com/event/000040F683744706?artistid=1234805&majorcatid=10001&minorcatid=200
9/10-Baltimore, MD @ Sonar w/ Pig Destroyer & Misery Index
http://www. ticketmaster. com/event/150040F0DDBB7D96?artistid=1239314&majorcatid=10001&minorcatid=60
9/11-Raleigh, NC @ Volume 11
http://www. etix. com/ticket/servlet/onlineSale?action=selectPerformance&searchType=null&performance_id=819226&cobrand=volume11tavern
9/12-Atlanta, GA @ The Masquerade
http://www. ticketmaster. com/event/0E0040F98D964B84?artistid=1241461&majorcatid=10001&minorcatid=60
9/15-Austin, TX @ Emo's
http://www. ticketweb. com/t3/sale/SaleEventDetail?dispatch=loadSelectionData&eventId=290798&REFERRAL_ID=tmfeed
9/18-Los Angeles, CA @ House of Blues
http://www. ticketmaster. com/event/090040FC9D634115?artistid=1241461&majorcatid=10001&minorcatid=60
9/19-San Francisco, CA @ The Grand Ballroom
http://www. ticketmaster. com/event/1C0040F7B6E9394D?artistid=1241461&majorcatid=10001&minorcatid=60
9/21-Seattle, WA @ El Corazon
http://ticketswest. rdln. com/EventSearchResults. aspx?search=True&txt=el+corazon®=0&per=AnyDate&city=&st=
9/22-Vancouver, BC @ Commodore Ballroom
http://www. ticketmaster. ca/venue/139274/?search_redirect=commodore%20ballroom&tm_link=tm_homeA_header_search

Dead Infection: "Dead singles collection" CD and New Video "Bulglary" available!
"Dead singles collection" CD is finally available on Roten Foetus Records. Including all three 7"EPs recorded between 1994-98, originally released as a splits with: BLOOD, MALIGNANT TUMOUR and CSSO. Newly remastered, and with new artwork.
Kataklysm Announces More Tour Dates
Kataklysm have announced some more tour dates for their North American trek in the fall. Also on the bill will be Dying Fetus.
The new dates are as follows:
September 27 - Detroit, MI @ Harpo’s
September 28 - Cleveland, OH @ Peabody’s
September 29 - New York, NY @ Blender Theater at Gramercy
October 1 - Worcester, MA @ The Palladium
October 2 - Springfield, VA @ Jaxx
October 12 - Los Angeles, CA @ Key Club
The new dates are as follows:
September 27 - Detroit, MI @ Harpo’s
September 28 - Cleveland, OH @ Peabody’s
September 29 - New York, NY @ Blender Theater at Gramercy
October 1 - Worcester, MA @ The Palladium
October 2 - Springfield, VA @ Jaxx
October 12 - Los Angeles, CA @ Key Club
sábado, 26 de julio de 2008
Desultory Reforms
"Acclaimed Swedish metal outfit DESULTORY has reunited and is currently rehearsing for upcoming shows. The band says, "We started October 1989 and played as DESULTORY until 1996 (three demos, one compilation album and three albums on Metal Blade).
Then we changed music direction and band name to ZEBULON. Right now we are rehearsing our DESULTORY songs again. Hopefully play live soon!"
The current DESULTORY lineup is as follows:
Klas Morberg - Guitar/Vocals
Thomas Johnson - Drums
Håkan Morberg - Guitar
Johan Bolin – Bass
Then we changed music direction and band name to ZEBULON. Right now we are rehearsing our DESULTORY songs again. Hopefully play live soon!"
The current DESULTORY lineup is as follows:
Klas Morberg - Guitar/Vocals
Thomas Johnson - Drums
Håkan Morberg - Guitar
Johan Bolin – Bass
viernes, 25 de julio de 2008
Necrovation Interview

This is the Interview with Seb Vocal and Guitar of Necrovation.
1.- Metallic regards. First off, could you tell us a little bit about the meaning of Necrovation, and why changed your past name Das Uber Evils?
-Obliteration ´Zine and readers;The meaning of Necrovation is very simple; Necro ovation. A celebration of deadness. Das über Evils was a project between me and Bünger, when we had finally gotten a full line-up we had already evolved a lot and we ended the band to be able to make music that people (including ourselves) could take seriously. Necrovation history starts with the release of ‘Ovations to Putrefaction’, period.
2.- "Ovations To Putrefaction" your first demo its totally Old School, for you what
Is the most important thing to create this Old School sound?
-I think it’s not only the sound, when we write material our influences are not very far away, and when we did that demo they were haunting us. What I mean is that we listen to and are very inspired by the bands we came in contact with first; the Stockholm scene (were Swedish Death Metal was created and flourished in the late 80’s). And that is not just a sound; it’s a matter of strong songs with real chorus and verse. I think we are very influenced by that way of making songs still, and even more on that demo; so that is what is most important; to make strong songs with a structure that makes sense, and not to focus on speed and technicality. Of course the harsh production makes it sound older than it is as well. That demo is hardly mixed at all, recorded in our at that time rehearsal place (an old 1900’s hotel out of use) and that has coloured it to of course, totally a dusk place that lived a life of its own.
3.- Sweden is the seedbed of one of the best Death Metal style in all history, who
are your most important influence from Sweden?
-The entire early Swedish scene, as they are still very much my favourite bands. The mark they did on this country is still apparent. But we also have great bands that have been active after that. Influences and personal favourites are among others; Obscurity, Treblinka & early Tiamat, early At the Gates, Grotesque, Nihilist & Entombed, early Dismember, Mephisto, Merciless, Repugnant, Kaamos, Verminous, Tribulation & Face of Evil.
4.- "Chants Of Grim Death" is a great piece of Death Metal, what inspired you for
choose this title for the Ep?
-We wanted an eerie and horrific title that stood by its own. We thought it would be boring to name it after a track on the EP, or that the title should have any resemble with any other release that has been made before. I think we pulled it off; I think that the EP’s original title (and cover artwork) gives the recording an atmosphere.
5.- In 2005 you record a Split with Corrupt, how was the contact to work together?
-We got in contact with Corrupt through that Bünger met them on a festival. They kept in touch and we in the band really worship their ‘Born of Greed’ demo. Mutual ass-licking feels great when it’s honest of nature, so it was very easy to work together.
6.- In the same year Cliff leaves the band, why do you think in Anton to take the
Bass posistion?
-We needed a bass player quick to help us do a couple of gigs. Anton and I had played in other bands together before and were friends, so he was a natural choice. When he felt comfortable in Necrovation it was a natural progression to offer him to join in permanent on bass.
7.- Later you started the composition of "Bread Deadness Blood", in this album you have amazing songs like "Putrid Evocation", "Seal The Gates" or "Divinity
Obscure"... from where do you take your inspiration to create this lyrics? Because
they are Morbid, Obscure and Blasting!
-Bünger is behind Putrid Evocation & Divinity Obscure (and the title track lyric) while I have only written the lyrics for Seal the Gates of the mentioned tracks. Inspiration for me is literature, film, pure hate or whatever strong experiences I may have. We both share a morbid interest in the dark and the dead, the obscure essence; deadness and mystique. This in mind and not wanting to write crap death metal lyrics is our influences. There simply are too many bands with total crap lyrics, and music for that sake.
8.- When the studio lost your recording, the album was complete?
-When the studio lost our recording in a computer crash the album was recorded and the first mix was done. Usually an album does not get released in its first mix for many reasons, but we had no choice in the end. There are some fuck ups on the album we simply had to accept.
9.- What was your reaction when you know this, was difficult make all again?
-I don’t think you realize what really happened. Let me explain; the studio lost the recording AFTER we had recorded the album, but this left us no chance to mix and polish some of the errors the first mix has (according to us at least). So we did not record it again, we simply released the first mix as the studio did not get us back the recording in its wholeness until early 2007, by then we were fed up with the studio, its employees and the recording.
10.- Who is Rodrigo, could you talk us about him?
Rodrigo is best known as the owner of Blood Harvest records. We have known him since 2004. He contacted us as he was interested in releasing a 7” with Necrovation after have heard the ‘Ovations to Putrefaction’ demo. Since 2006 I have been living in the same city (Malmoe) as him and gotten to know him a lot better, when Necrovation was in search of a 2:nd guitarist for some upcoming shows he became the most natural choice for us, we are on the same page when it comes to death metal and he is a cool and uncomplicated guy.
11.- In your own words describe Death Metal...
-The most disgusting music there is. Death Metal to me is primal and frenzy, has the power to devour and possess its listeners and wielders.
Death metal is the celebration of deadness in form of music.
12.- Your plans in the near future?
-We are working on new material for a mini-LP, and trying to some get some gigs together, but it’s fucking hard and often ‘pay to play’ arrangements.
13.- For last anything to say?
-Thanks for the interview and your support. Keep yourself updated about Necrovation at our only official forum; necrovation.com.Be fucking selective in what you support, as there is so much shit out there.
Breed Deadness Blood./Seb
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