Great 4 piece Death Metal band, this guys have the European Style, great riffs work, the bass lines are perfect, and the drummer have an excellent precision! The voice is really cool, angry, corrosive and strong, i already hear the three songs of their Myspace profile and i have to say they surprise me with this song "Worlderness", the begin sounds like Carcass in the "Heartwork" era, and the solo are amazing excellent technique, they have some melodic elements in some parts of their songs, i think they are one of the best bands from Mexico. If you like Carcass in the Heartwork era, this is perfect for you!!
Pestilence will not headline today, May 24th, at the Maryland DeathFest due to their detainment at the US border. Band leader Patrick Mameli and guitarist Patrick Uterwyck were kept in custody for several hours and sent back to the Netherlands late yesterday.
Upon entering the US and stopping at customs they discovered their paper work, which was sent to them, for their travels was not properly completed for the required working visas. Originally they were told all was in order and to proceed on the trip to the US. They spent a total of 44 hours in flights and detainment.
“We are extremely sad and disappointed not being able to perform on the MDF. Not having received the proper information on our visa application, we were under the impression that what we received from the securing visas and working permits office was the actual working permits,” explains band leader Patrick Mameli. “We were kept under custody by the border security police for 4 hours trying to do everything in our power to let us pass, but all our efforts failed. They sent us home on the next plane. Hopefully we will be given another chance to perform for you, our fans!”
lack metal group Marduk missed out on the scheduled Blackendfest show in Orlando, Florida yesterday but no explanation has been given why. A message from headlining act Mayhem reads: "There has been a lot of confusion around the MARDUK situation. They are not playing tonight at the show in Orlando, Florida. What will happen for the future of this tour is currently unknown. We want to stress that Mayhem has absolutely nothing to do with this situation. We didn't have any information about what is going on at all, there were many different rumors flying around, and unfortunately the only thing we know is that the band is not here. Why? We don't know! Thank you for your patience!"
French black metallers Glorior Belli have issued the following announcement about dropping off their upcoming tour with Absu:
"Glorior Belli are forced to cancel their participation to the North-American tour with Absu.
"Candlelight was not qualified enough to get everything arranged legally for the coming of the band and couldn’t acquire the appropriate papers. Therefore we have no other choice but to pull out.
"They had all the time necessary and this mess is INEXCUSABLE. We strongly condemn this organization and are extremely disappointed by this kind of attitude coming from our label."
GOD DETHRONED will be promoting their album "Passiondale" (based on World War I) with a whole tour of the Balkans, which will begin a massive World tour.
GOD DETHRONED's "Storming the Balkans Tour 2009" tour dates with Fleshgod Apocalypse and Sacramental Blood is as follows:
June 25 - Inmusic Festival - Zagreb - Croatia June 26 - Channel Zero - Lubljana - Slovenia June 27 - SKC - Belgrade - Serbia June 28 - Kino Bosna - Sarajevo - Bosnia Herzegovina June 29 - Blue Box - Sofia - Bulgaria June 30 - 8 Ball Club - Thessaloniki - Greece July 1 - Havana - Skopje - Macedonia July 3 - Fabrica Club - Bucharest - Romania July 4 - Uj Vigado - Debrecen - Hungary July 5 - Blue Monday Club - Oradea - Romania
The legendary Chilean Death / Thrash Metal band PENTAGRAM will reunite one last time in 2009 for a Chilean tour and several shows in Europe (for the exact dates, check out our tourdates section). The line-up will consist of the three original members Anton Reisenegger (guitar / vocals, also in CRIMINAL), Juan Pablo Uribe (guitar) and Eduardo Topelberg (drums). Replacing original bassist Alfredo Peña, who committed suicide in 1990, will be Juan Francisco Cueto (ex-CRIMINAL) for the Chilean dates and Daniel Biggin (CRIMINAL) for the European trek. The band is still accepting booking enquiries through its official MySpace page
Metal Mind Productions will be re-releasing SINISTER's "Cross The Styx" (+ 3 bonus tracks), "Diabolical Summoning" (+ 2 bonus tracks), "Hate" and the "Bastard Saints" EP (the latter two will be released on one CD, including 4 bonus tracks). All of the bonus tracks were recorded live at the Stodola Club in Warsaw, on August 24, 2006. The CDs will all be available in a new digipack edition, digitally remastered using 24-Bit process on a golden disc. Each title is limited to 1000 copies. The release date is set up for July 6 in Europe and August 11 in the US (via MVD). For more information check out
EXUMER have posted a tour-picture diary on their homepage and myspace sites, documenting their recent "5 Nights Of Fire" tour which took through 4 countries on 2 continents in April / May 2009. The band also revealed plans on how and when they will release their first new song in 22 years to the public. Lead vocalist Mem V. Stein comments on the band's plans: "We felt very fortunate to have been able to perform at this year's KIT 12 and it was a fantastic opportunity for the band to present ourselves in such a forum. The energy level from the fans was tremendous that day and luckily we filmed the show with our own 3 cameras. We will exclusively use footage from KIT 12 to release our new track 'Waking The Fire', as a video clip to the public in June." To view EXUMER's picture diary and more information go to: and For the latest EXUMER interview with details of their tour and the up-coming album, please visit:
One of the first Death/Black Metal bands and i think they are very underrated, with a great and unique style, they was brutal, blasphemous and heretic bastards, so enjoy this legends!
Konqueror Records has signed Italy's old school Death Metallers ERODED. The band is said to be inspired by NIHILIST, AUTOPSY, CARNAGE and the DEMIGOD debut full length. A re-release of both their demos "Banner Of The Unrest Exile" and "Test The Grace Infliction" CD will be unleashed very soon. The coverart will be done by Adam Zaars (TRIBULATION). A release date will be announced shortly. For more info, check out and
Here's an official statement from NEGURA BUNGET: "This has to be one of the most difficult messages to be written. We are sorry to announce that Hupogrammos and Sol Faur have ended their journey along NEGURA BUNGET. Our paths are now apart. We wish them all the best on their new endeavors (their new project will be announced at a later time). Meanwhile, a new NEGURA BUNGET line-up is assembled, which will continue the path started almost 15 years ago. Rest assure, we are keen to prove there is more to be said by this band, and we will work to fulfill our spiritual endeavor relentlessly. All NEGURA BUNGET scheduled plans (concerts, festivals, contracts with Aural Music / Code666 Records and Prophecy Productions / Lupus Lounge) will be completed in the new formula. New website and myspace page are developed and will soon be online." - Negru, of behalf of NEGURA BUNGET. The new official NEGURA BUNGET line-up is: Corb - guitars / vocals, Spin - guitars, Gadinet - bass, Inia Dinia - keyboards, Ageru Pamanatului - vocals / pipes / percussions / xylophone and Negru - drums / percussions. A word from Hupogrammos and Sol Faur: "We would like to thank everybody who supported and believed in NEGURA BUNGET and invite you to follow our further musical activities."
After the stunning success of their reunion shows in 2007 and a quickly sold-out 7” EP release in 2008, premier Dutch Death Metal act ASPHYX renewed its partnership with its long-time label Century Media Records and on June 22, 2009 the highly anticipated new studio album “Death…The Brutal Way” will be released in Europe. In the line-up consisting of Martin van Drunen (vocals), Wannes Gubbels (bass / vocals), Paul Baayens (guitar) and Bob Bagchus (drums), these oldschool Metal icons recorded “Death…The Brutal Way” at Sonic Assault Studio with Frank Klein Douwel. Afterwards, the album was mixed and mastered by the none less legendary Dan Swanö (BLOODBATH, EDGE OF SANITY etc.), who previously successfully worked on mixing the debut album by HAIL OF BULLETS, the band featuring ASPHYX vocalist Martin van Drunen and guitarist Paul. Transferring the band’s classic trademarks of doomy, macabre Death Metal into the year 2009, “Death…The Brutal Way” is easily the heaviest ASPHYX album to date and the first to feature the titanic roar of Martin van Drunen since 1992’s classic “The Last One On Earth”. Drummer Bob Bagchus comments as follows: “We, ASPHYX, are proud to present that we just have refreshed the deal with our longtime label partner Century Media Records. We were one of their very first Death Metal signings in early 90s and we are very happy to see our new album, “Death...The Brutal Way”, being released by this very label. We, ASPHYX, are very excited about our new record since it’s exactly, again, what we want to do as a band. It’s dark, it’s very heavy, it’s extremely krushing and, most importantly, it comes from our souls. Songs like 'Asphyx II (They Died As They Marched)' or 'Bloodswamp' are probably amongst the heaviest Death Metal monsters ever. Also we are looking forward to the album release show in Essen. It will be great to play monsters like 'Black Hole Storm', 'Cape Horn' and 'Asphyx II (They Died As They Marched)' and many more live on stage.” Next to upcoming appearances at high-profile festivals like Deathfeast and With Full Force, ASPHYX have lined-up an exclusive album release club-show for “Death…The Brutal Way” on Saturday, July 4 at Turock in Essen, Germany. Support for this special event will come from fellow Metallers DESASTER and NECROS CHRISTOS. More details at A demo version of the track 'Death…The Brutal Way' (which appeared on last year’s sold-out 7” released via Iron Pegasus) can be heard at the band’s official and newly re-designed MySpace page: More details and online previews of the album will be available in the next days. Watch out!
This is the Interview with Noizer Guitarrist of the Blasphemous Horde Anal Vomit.
1.- Why do you choose Anal Vomit like name of the band? - Greetings from Lima, Peru; Hell Terror and Chaos, the name was created by an ex – guitarist of the first line – up of the band. Influenced in some song of “Hate” album from Sarcofago and Carcass “Reek of Putrefaction”, because this sounds dirty and morbid.
2.- With 19 years into the Underground, for you what is the best thing, that Anal Vomit gives to you like a band? - Our records, the trips, visit a lot of cities, meet a lot of crazy people, have a good times, new experiences for our lifes, to know the Metal is infected in everywhere.
3.- Your first demo “Pregnancy Rotten Masturbator” recorded in 1993, do you remember how was the situation in the Peruvian scene, do you think in this times the scene is better or worst? - I joined in 1997 recording the demo “Into the Eternal Agony”, the Peruvian escene is more bigger, with more events, came more important bands doing this works better, the underground is a double edge weapon, but I think now is better than the 90´s.
4.- Anal Vomit have the style of the old latinamerican bands, is raw, aggressive, corrosive, crushing ¿what bands are your main influence? - Morbid Angel, Sarcofago, Sepultura, Carcass, Napalm Death, Sacrifice, Agathocles, Slayer, etc etc.
5.- In some years you record 4 demos before the split “Sudamerica Brutal”, During this time of the demos, any label try to contact you for record a album? - No, in that time was very hard, we don´t have the virtual promotion or better media to do a deal, now the internet answered all that problems, a lot of “True Metalheads” disagree with this, but in some important things this have adventages. Our demos are gonna be Re – edited in Cd, I hope all can be produced on Cd.
6.- In 2002 you recorded “From Peruvian Hell”, with who worked for this EP? - We recorded this EP in the “Session” studio of John Aggressor (guitarist of Hadez), and was recorded only form a Vynil format for Legion of Death Records from France. The contact with them was via Hugues “Karnage” Vallot from “Eternal Fire Zine”, he visit Peru in that time and he like our music.
7.- How was the contact with Displeased Records for record your debut album “Demonic Flagellations” - “Peruvian Hell” EP open the gates of hell to us, and Displeased was interested in record our debut album, having a great response form the Headbangers in all the putrid world, still now is rated very good.
8.- Why do you decided includes a couple of covers of Mortuorio and Sepultura in this album? - Because personally I am fan of this bands and they are part of mi influence into the Black Metal.
9.- Anal Vomit try to represent something in their lyrics? And from where comes the inspiration? - We don´t try to represent something, our lyrics are from the streets and very direct, we don´t have a message for the fans.
10.- Why sing in Spanish and English? - Is something natural, comes with the composition, we don´t need force anything and this is good.
11.- Could you talk a little bit about this song “Ghedeom”? - I create the music, and the lyrics was created by Destructor (Drums), talks about some killer that cut heads, and he reborn to continue the posers massacre.
12.- For you how was played with a band like Desaster? - That was great, they are amazing persons, we drink some beers… and the show was Brutal and Underground for all the Metalheads arghhhh!!!
13.- Talking about foreign bands, with who do you like share stage or record some split? - We don´t have some band in mind, but personally I like Krisiun because they are direct and brutal.
14.- Who is Anal Vomit in this moment? - Basically the three bastards of the records: Noizer – Guitar Possessor – Bass/Vokills Destructor – Drums And other guitarist for some shows.
15.- A few months ago I have the opportunity to hear this band Bestial Possession (amazing band) Could you recommend us some new Peruvian bands with great music? - Peru always have great bands, but the monetary situation and the poor support only a few bands are defunded in the underground. Here you can find some cruel hordes: Saram, Necropsya, Inhumano, Goat Semen, RIP, Epilepsia, Belzec, Mortem, Hadez, Evil Damn, Black Fire, Nahual, Hell Drunk, etc.
16.- Dou you have plans for this year, maybe a new album, tours? - Yeah, we are recording our new album “Gathering of the Putrid Demons”, and we have the invitation for play in Chile like in 2006, we stay in chile with the maniacs, all brutal!
17.- Maybe we can see you in Mexico soon? - We wish to visit all the world, that depends of the promoters, if they interested and can pay our tickets.
18.- Anything to add? - Hails to you, and keep the battle with Fuckin Bestial and Morbid Death Metal! From Southamerica Anal Vomit crew.