O´right dudes, today we have this Italian band called "Grimness", they play a really good Black Metal, this guy Valerio have a great vocal style, violent, raw with a epic touch. Talking about the music i think they play a classic Black Metal style, with some elements of Thrash Metal, and some blastbeats (for me that is the best way), the drums are insane (no technical shit), chaotic!!! I realy like that sound in a record, because you can feel the essence of the band i think... No painted faces, i like that attitude, just get your instrument and play!! So, if you like bands like Tsjuder or the legendary Mortuary Drape, this guys are a good option for you, go listen this guys and cut some heads!!
Grimness are:
Valerio - Vocals/Guitar
Andrea - Guitars
Giulio - Bass
Jonah - Drums
You can check this guys on: