This is the interview with Arse, Sindre and Kick.
1.- Hey how are you guys, we understand that a few members of Nekromantheon also play in Obliteration, can you tell us the history of the band?
-Arse: Me and Sindre started out playing in Obliteration, and I started a side project together with Kick in 2004.
Sindre joined as on the bass later on, together with Glenn "The Beef" from the local punk band RABALDER on vocals.
Nekromantheon was formed, and our mission was to play real thrash, the way of the old gods. In 2008 we gave "The Beef" the BOOT, because on every show we do we get a case of beer. As we all know, a case divided by four is less beer than a case divided by three. LESS IS MORE!
2.- How do you distribute your time for Obliteration and Nekromantheon?
-Arse, Sindre: In the beginning Obliteration was of course the main priority because of the record deal with Tyrant Syndicate, but later on things are getting more equal. We distribute our time depending on upcoming gigs, recordings etc, so there's practically always time for both bands.
3.- When you go out on tour, the band go with Obliteration or do you have your own shows?
-Kick: We do have our own shows, but of course it's cheaper to book both bands. If Obliteration is playing, you only need one more person to have a complete new band, hehe.

4.- What is the topic in your lyrics?
-Kick: The lyrics are mainly based on ancient Greek mythology, and we're hoping to get through some messages in there.
But of course, sometimes the alcohol takes command, and lyrics end up beeing about terror and beer. UGH!
5.- All of you participate in a composition or one of you takes the initiative?
-Kick: Arse or Sindre usually makes the riffs, and we set up the arrangements together.
I've been doing most of the lyrics, but Sindre and Kristian from Obliteration has been helping as I've been too drunk to produce anything worth writing down for a while.
6.- Can you write 3 bands that define Nekromantheon sound?
-Dark Angel (Darkness Descends)
Sepultura (Schizophrenia)
Slayer (Hell Awaits)
We took the liberty to write down the albums as well, so that people don't think we're into the ROOTS BLOODY ROOTS album, haha!

7.- Do you have any demo or do you directly recorded your EP We´re Rotting?
-Arse: We recorded a couple of demos that we never distributed in 2005.
The "We're Rotting" EP was actually meant to be a demo, but got picked up by Stoy Records and released as a MCD, as we we're very satisfied with both the sound and songs.
8.- How big is the Thrash Metal scene in Norway, is there too many Thrash bands?
-Kick: Of course there is! Everybody (including us!) is playing thrash nowadays.
There are of course some "legends" in the Norwegian thrash scene, such as Aura Noir, Infernö and Audiopain, but smaller bands like Deathhammer, Ghoul Cult, Repellent and Black Magic are really great bands that are worth checking out!
9.- How much time did you took to have ready the EP songs and recording?
- Arse: The songs for the EP we're made between 2004 and 2006, as we weren't really giving the band that much attention in the beginning.
When we went in the studio, it was all recorded and mixed in about a weekend. We record and mix all of our own stuff, so we always get the perfect result! HAHA

10.- How was the contact with Abigail for the split Speed and Spikes Vol. III?
-Kick: We have actually never been in contact with Abigail, unfortunately. Relapse contacted both bands over Myspace,
and after a while the 7"'s arrived in my mailbox. I'm a big fan of Abigail, and I'm very happy with the split.
But a split GIG would be even better, so if you crazy japanese bastards read this you should get in touch!
11.- When can we expect a Full Length album?
-Sindre: We're actually recording the vocals RIGHT NOW, so hopefully it won't take too long. It should be out this summer,
if we can find someone to release the piece of shit! We're also releasing a split 7" with Audiopain pretty soon, which is gonna kick ass on both sides! (of the ass, naturally)
12.- Anything to say?
Sindre: Check out CORRUPT from Sweden and SALUTE from UK!
Arse: Check out BASTARDATOR from Canada!
Kick: Check out MY ASS! HAH!
You can check this guys on:

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