Today i have this interview with Necrogoat from the diabolic and obscure Grave Desecrator!!!
1.- Firstable for those unfamiliar with the band, please give us a history on the formation of Grave Desecrator.
-GD has become an infamous Black/Death Metal gang since 98, when me , Necrogoat as guitarist, and former vocalist F.Mordor joined forces. A few time later, Butcherazor was summoned to play the bass. Many problems during the early days till the time we decided to record our debut demo “Demo 01” in 2001 with a studio drummer. This demo got a good reputation worldwide and got the attention of Ketzer rec. from Germany to release in 2003 our 7ep “Cult of Warfare and Darkness”, including Adrameleck on drums, and in 2008 “Sign of Doom” debut cd, with me passing to bass lines, Butcherazor to guitar and voices - as we fired F.Mordor due his idiotic attitudes - and Black Sin and Damnation like a second guitarist. It has just a few weeks since Adrameleck stopped to play with us and then we called Angeldust (former The Endoparasites and Diabolic Force) to play the drums.
2.- With more of 10 years into the Underground, for you what is the best thing that Grave Desecrator gives to you like a band?
-We think to grant the scene with some good alternative to senseless Metal of these days is worthy. We’re proud to have the chance to show our music and ideology worldwide, it’s a good experience, as well as to make it the best way we can do. Also, the free beers, the travels and some hard sex…
3.- Since your first demo in 2001, do you note some differences (musically speaking) with your last work "Sign of Doom"?
-Absolutely. We’re not too much interested in our demo tape. That was another epoch and we didn’t have the best ideas. We learnt with our mistakes. We play what we really like nowadays. The pure, raw but well played Black/Death Metal with the old feeling on it. Take a listen to our demo and compare to our 7ep and debut cd. You’ll feel the evident difference.

4.- For your EP "Cultof Warfare and Darkness" you work with Ketzer Records, how was the contact with this guys?
-I used to have a tape label with a friend, namely Swords and Leather. We spread around 1000 copies of the demo worldwide. The guy from Ketzer rec., among others, showed some interest on us. But Ketzer rec. sold more than 150 copies of our demo in few time. The label offered a good deal and then we decided to release a 7ep firstly.
5.- How was the recording process for "Sign of Doom", and with who worked in this album?
-We didn’t have a very good budget, but we’re worried to the quality of our stuffs. We recorded it in a very good studio in Rio (HR Studios), where we mixed all the shit as well. The mastering was made by the well known Andy Classen in Germany. I think everything could be better, but the final result was really impressive in relation to our expenses.
6.- You have a great style guys! Who are your main influences to create music?
-Musically talking, only old fucking great acts like Slayer, Iron, Sarcofago, Necrovore, Autopsy, VON, Blasphemy, Vulcano, Sepultura, Dorsal Atlântica , Necronomicon, old Mayhem, Motorhead, old hardcore, old punk, rock n roll etc,etc…We live in a dense atmosphere of a dirty, violent and decadent city. We face the indecency, impure and filth human face as well as the lies of all religiousness. Everything of it reflex in our way of being and live, consequently in our music.
7.- Talking about Satanism... is a really important part of Grave Desecrator?
-Yes, it is! But we deal with Satanism in a personal way, and it’s not really interesting to define Satanism here, as its mysterious matters aren’t to be comprehended by silly human minds. Humans are just to create and destroy. Mundane life and individualism are quite interesting for us, but we don’t consider the figure of Satan, or the Horned One related exclusively to such human mediocrity. We’re much more anti-religious than Satanists since we don’t practice any satanic ritual and just I used to have magical experiences in the past, but we don’t have any problem if one can consider GD as a Satanist band. We don’t care.

8.- Grave Desecrator try to represent something in their lyrics? And from where comes the inspiration?
-As aforementioned, our lyrics reflex a part of our views in a decadent society, devoted to bullshit and spiritual emptiness, as well as for our mundane life related to obscure feelings.
9.- What can you tell us of this song "Faces of Apocalyptic Batlle"?
-It’s a cool song with a cool lyric I guess. Savage and straight one!
10.- Talking about foreign bands, with who do you like share stage or record some split?
-We can’t choose the bands we’ll play with. We played beside some shit acts but good ones as well. For sure, we’ll never play beside a christian band. In relation to underground bands, I think we’d like to play alongside Mystifier, Nunslaughter, Blasphemy and a lot of other cool freaks.
11.- Can you define in 5 words the music of Grave Desecrator?
-Brazilian Blackest Metal Massacre forever!

12.- How is the Brazilian scene at the moment? Coul you recommend us some great bands?
-Brazil is a very large country. Let me teach a lesson of geography (hehe); we’re the world’s 5th largest country. So since the boom of Rock from the 60´s/70´s and Heavy Metal from the 80´s, Brazil has been ever a country with a good story in this genre. Bring back to nowadays, we face a great amount of bands if you’re talking about Black/Death or Extreme Metal. Like other countries we have cool and shit bands. But, personally I think there’s pollution where we can perceive much more untalented and mistaken persons trying to play the game. It results in abundant scenery but with few really interesting results. I can recommend you cool acts into Heavy/Thrash/black/Death stuff like Thy Rites, Apokalyptic Raids, Sodomizer, Vulturine, Osculum Obscenum, Dominus Praelii, Farscape, Diabolic Force, In the darkness is my Realm, Luvart, Grotesque Communion, Sovereign, Power from Hell, etc..and some old but still alive bands like Headhunter DC, Mystifier, Murder Rape.

13.- Plans for this 2010... Maybe a new album?
-We’ll try lots of things for 2010. We’re about to have 2 7ep´s released by Hell’s Headbangers (“Primordial and Repulsive” – including cover-versions of Repulsion and Mortuary Drape) and a split with Catacumba(bra) (“Tombs on Fire”) by Necromancer rec (Ger). A new cd/lp by Ketzer/Hell´s Headbangers for middle 2010 and we’ll try an Euro gig for end of this year. Let’s see.
14.- Anything you wanna add or ask?
-Thanks a lot for the support! Saludos a nuestros amigos de Mexikult. If interested in official merchandise, cd, lp etc.. Please get in touch directly to the labels :
Ketzer rec.(www.ketzer-records.de – for Europeans)
Hell´s Headbangers (www.hellsheadbangers.com – for US and Americas)
Blood Harvest (www.bloodharvest.se – for vinyl hunters)
Band contacts: www.myspace.com/gravedesecrator666 / www.gravedesecrator.com / grave666desecrator@gmail.com
See you in Hell my friend!
El Necrogoat

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