This is the interview with this really killer band from France, they are DESTINITY!
1.- How are you guys ? This question is escential, talk to us a little about Destinity, how was the formation?
-Mick (vocals) : Everything is ok for us at this day ! We are just waiting the release of the new album "THE INSIDE" for February 2008 and we are glad to join our european tour with DEW-SCENTED and SEVERE TORTURE.
About the band... it was created in 1996 by ZEPHIROS (Guitar), MORTEÜS (Drums and Keyboards) and Me.
We had many different line-up during all these years and we recorded 4 full lenghts albums and 1 DVD to celebrate 10 years of activities last year.
At the begining we were much more in a black/death metal way to finish with an extreme metal with a lot of thrash metal influences.
2.- In the period of 1996 to 1998 you have some changes in the lineup, this was to create a better and brutal music?
-Yes you are right and these persons wasn't so motivate than us ! So we had to take good decisions ! héhé.
3.- Do you remember how was play in local clubs, i mean the people was agressive, pacific, how was in that days?
-Since the begining we have a killer audience with all concerts so we are really lucky. For sure today it is really different because we are much more famous and so there is much more persons on the pit. It is really cool !
4.- The year 2000… Recorded your demo with Psychic Scream Entertainment, and you have some important gigs, do you learn some for that bands in that time?
-We can say it was the first professionnal year for the band because we support famous bands like Cradle of filth and more... and you learn a lot on the road !
5.- Your debut album “Under The Smell of Chaos”, maybe this is one of the most important moment in your career, how was the feeling about the debut album ? When you saw the album in the stores and the fans go fast to buy it!
-Yes it is good memories even if I think it is a really bad album ! héhé. This first album has enabled us to intensify the number of concerts and perform many interviews around the world. Nothing more for me.
6.- Damn!!! I saw your biography and it..s amazing the gigs that you had, tell me a litlle about this Fucking Masters of Death Metal Immolation ?
-Yes ! I think we supported them 2 times on stage ! It is an incredible band and they are really nice guys.
A very good memory.
7.- Now who are your more important influences ? i listen in your influences some Carcass, Dismember, Immolation (of course), Hypocrisy, Loudblast, Massacra…
-I think our inspiration is from the sweedish scene but you are right ! some of these bands you announced are some influences for us and we listen them.
8.- How is the French extreme music scene?
-With a band like GOJIRA everybody speak about french bands today but we have a killer scene since many years !
It is excellent to be respected today and it is really excellent for GOJIRA and all other french bands but I hope it will be not a fuckin' fad in a near future.
My favorite french killer bands are : BENIGHTED, KRONOS, NO RETURN, YYRKOON, GOJIRA, DAGOBA and more... and MASSACRA of course (RIP).
9.- In Excelsis Dementia it..s a great album, how do you inspired to wrote this album, i mean lyrics and music.
-At this period we were in a black/death metal way.
If you like all extreme kind of music ! listen this album.
10.- Synthetic Existente it..s your best album?
-It is an excellent album but I prefer the last one called THE INSIDE. It was the first time we recorded at HANSEN STUDIOS (DENMARK) and the sound is really excellent and enormous !
This album is much more mature than the past.
11.- How was the expirience recording your DVD “666 Thrashened Extreme Music”?
-The DVD was released to celebrate 10 years of career and we add 90 mn of live assault + 40 mn with us on the road + a studio report in Denmark ! a lot of drunk moments ! héhé.
All our CDS and DVD are avalaible directly to the band ! contact us for more informations.
12.- In one of this festival the people is really really fucking crazy, “Hell Fest Open Air” or “Metal Mean Fest”?
-HELLFEST OPEN AIR with a fuckin' killer audience !
12.- Slayer or Grave?
-SLAYER ! SLAYER is god ! héhé
13.- How do you make contact with Dew-Scented to make this tour with them and Severe Torture?
-I know Leif from DEW-SCENTED since many years ! They are good friends and it is a killer band ! Listen them !!! I know SEVERE TORTURE too so it was an idea to tour together.
14.- Well we hope see you someday in Mexico, anything to say?
-It would be a dream to come and play in your country !
Thanks to all our fans around the world and if some promotors are interested with DESTINITY, contact us... We can study all offers.
Thanks for your interview and support ! You are right ! METAL FOR LIFE !!!
You can check this guys on this site:
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