This is the Interview with greek thrashers Suicidal Angels.
1.- Metallic greetings guys, how are you? Talk to us a little about your style, your musical and lyrical influences?
-Hello there, this is Sotiris. We’re doing great, thanks. Well, the musical style that Suicidal Angels follow is quite simple: pure old-school thrash metal; nothing more, nothing less. Our lyrics have to do with the straight opposition against any kind of organized religion. We aim mainly against Christianity because that’s the dominant religion in our country, Greece, and we’ve seen with our own eyes the way that it affects the masses.
2. - Back in the day, how was the experience since your first demo to this album “Eternal Domination”?
-A band that starts from point zero trying to achieve a goal, like we did, feels great satisfaction when its first full-length album comes out. For us it’s something like the rewarding of our work: endless hours of rehearsing and continuous efforts so as to promote Suicidal Angels. Everyone in the band is very proud of what we have achieved until now.
3. - How is the relation with OSM Records, do you feel good with them? I mean you had an independent distribution before OSM Records.
-The independent distribution that you’re talking about was for our previous EP “Armies of Hell” and it was only for Greece. About OSM now, we are extremely satisfied from the cooperation between us! I mean, we couldn’t have imagined better treatment than that. They support us in every step that we’re trying to do as a band, whether that support is financial or it has to do with booking some concerts, promotion through magazines, webzines etc. They show a lot of interest in us, and we are very grateful about that.
4. - Tell us about the experience in the “Thrash ‘Till Death Festival” and “Malbork Metal Days Festival”?
-Certainly, for a band that is still in the beginning, participation in such festivals is a great source of experience. At both festivals we heard a lot of positive comments, which encouraged us to continue our efforts. We gained a lot of experience, especially at “Thrash ‘Till Death” festival, where we co-operated with Harris Johns (producer of Kreator, Sodom etc.). His advice was really helpful for us.
5. - How was the relation backstage with bands like Tankard, Anvil, Behemoth and Kreator?
-Undoubtedly, it’s a great experience to meet and discuss with bands such as the ones mentioned above. Until now, everyone has treated us in a very professional manner, especially Mille Petrozza, who appeared on-stage with a Suicidal Angels t-shirt, and guys from Celtic Frost, who told us a lot of positive comments about our support performance to them.
6. - Now how is the Extreme Music scene in Greece?
-The Greek scene has many considerable bands to offer, bands that have nothing to envy from non-Greek bands of the same style. The best example is Rotting Christ, which has been and still is a major influence for many bands worldwide, for about 20 years now.
7. - In your own words describe Thrash Metal.
-Hmm… thrash metal is something very hard to be described in words… Thrash metal is something that we love since we started listening to “extreme” music, but it became a huge part of our lives since we formed the band. Thrash metal and the memories that we earn from the band everyday for sure will be in our minds for the rest of our lives.
8. - Where have you seen the most crazy metalheads?
-Well, until now the audience reactions have been positive, wherever we have played… If I have to choose the best audience, that would be metalheads in Bucharest and also metalheads in Sofia, where, especially at the concert with Behemoth, they made us feel like home. Unbelievable reactions, for sure we didn’t expect something like that!
9. - Who contact you for the tour with Onslaught and Carnal Forge?
-Well, last January, approximately one year before, we performed as a support band to Onslaught at their show here in Athens. Since then, we kept in touch with them and it seemed that they liked our music, so they requested their booking agency to include us in the “European Assault” tour, which is a great honour for us. We really appreciate what the guys did for us.
10. - Maybe can you tell us if “European Assault” comes to Mexico?
I’m sorry but, as you can understand from the name of the tour, “European Assault” has to do with European shows only. We’d love to visit Mexico; we’ve heard a lot of great things about the old-school metallers there, mainly through the Internet (various webzines, MySpace etc.). But don’t worry, our future plans go further than the European borders, so hopefully one day we’ll perform not only in Mexico, but also in other American countries.
11. - Which one was the best, "Theogonia Balkan Tour 2007" or "The Reanimated"?
-Hmm… that’s a very difficult question… In both tours we had a great time, our tourmates were in both occasions very nice and friendly people… I’m sorry, but I can’t name one tour better than the other. In both tours we gained a lot of experience by performing every day and also watching the headliners (Rotting Christ at “Theogonia Balkan” tour and Massacre at “The Reanimated” tour) perform. One more thing that we’ve learned while touring is how to live together with an average of 20-25 more people in such small place like a tour bus, which isn’t as easy as it sounds. Fortunately, in our first tour, in which we were totally inexperienced, most of our tourmates were Greeks, so we had no communication problems.
12. - For last, anything to say?
-First of all I would like to thank Obliteracion Magazine for that interview. Big thanks also go to everybody that supports us. For further information about the band, photos, live footage, news, updates etc. you can check our websites www.suicidalangels.com and www.myspace.com/suicidalangelsgreece. If you have any further questions feel free to communicate with us either by sending an e-mail at oorfeas@yahoo.gr or, if you are a MySpace user, by sending us a message to our profile.
Cheers to everybody!
For more information about Suicidal Angels chek out this site:
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