All the answers by Robert Pehrsson.
1.- What can you tell me about “stinking in the night“?
-It’s our debut album, any particular things you thought of?
2.- What are the things that inspire you to make you write these lyrics?
We write lyrics that we think suits our sound and style. Books and old horror movies and stuff like that are great inspiration.
3.- How..s the way of composing, does lyrics come first or the music come first?
-The music usually comes first. But sometimes if I think of some lyrics I try to make a habit of writing them down so I can use them later on. It can be a title or just a few words. But most of the time I will have a whole song done before I start writing the words for it. It’s just easier I think, because then I can arrange the words just the way I want them.
4.- Any important or remarcable influences that may cause the good sound of the band?
-Not really, me and Nicke like the same old stuff and our sound comes quite natural to us. We record in a completely analogue environment, I think that contributes greatly to our sound.
5.- I gotta tell you man your music its a bomb! when i first heard you i was all nuts man! Do you think you have defined your own sound as a band?
-Thanks! We try to write the stuff that we would like to listen to ourselves. We’ve not been very involved with the death metal scene for many, many years. So our sound is quite natural for us.
6.- Have you heard about any mexican death metal band that you really like?
-No, I really have been out of touch with the whole scene for a long time. I just listen to my old classic records.
7.- What is your interests at zombies? is this kind of important in the band concept?
-Well our mascot is a zombie, you know the face we print on most of our stuff. He’s name is “Sven”.
8.- We can se that in your last EP “LET IT STINK“ you play 3 cover songs from Bathory, G.B.H. and Discharge...are you into hardcore and punk too?
-Nicke and Scott are really into that. I’m not so much myself, I do dig a lot of the stuff, but it’s not something I grew up with. I wanted to record the Bathory song though.
9.- Your sound is very old school, what do you think about the band and all that you..ve done over the years?
-We’ll just continue to release records and tour when we can. That’s the way we want to keep things, really simple. We do this for the love of the music and not as a career.
10.- When are you coming to Mexico?
-As soon as possible!
11.- Anything you want to say for the mexican fans?
-Please enlighten me when it comes to Mexican death metal. Send us a link on our myspace page.
Cheers to all of you!
You can check Death Breath at www.myspace.com/deathbreathdeathmetal
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