This is the Interview with Poney, vocalist and bassist of this crazy Brazilian Thrashers... Violator!
1.- How are you? First of all, tell us, how do you formed the band?
-Hey mexican maniax! First, let me say thanx to you guys from Obliteracion Zine. Muchas Gracias, locos! We formed up Violator back in 2002. A bad time for thrash. But we were four kids that loved Metallica, Slayer, Kreator and really enjoy to hang up together so we started playin' in Juan (he's mexican too) basement. We did have any pretensions beyond playng thrash and having fun. Wait, nothing has really changed! (laughs)
2.- What can you tell us about the metallic masterpiece “CHEMICAL ASSAULT“?
-Wow, thanx for this “metallic masterpiece” adjective. I would just say that is a material which shows our passion for thrash. How we breath and live thrash. It's more mature than “Violent Mosh” EP, has more variations and more speed than the EP. It's faster, it's thrasher. We really wanted to do some special. The album has an history, a begginning and an end. Everything about it was really thought. It's our attempt to make a non-generic old school thrash metal in 2006. We really believe that's its possible to sound original without loosing the old school addiction. We don't wanna be no copy, thats what we tried to do in Chemical Assault. It was an album completely DIY (do-it-yourself) made. The art, the songs, the production. We really believe in DIY and underground as a form to live beyond the mediocraty of our daily lifes (jobs, family, school) and thats what Violator is about for me, that's what Chemical Assault means.
3.- How is composing a song, do you have any special ways to achieve killer riffs?
-Our guitars, Capaça and Cambito, are killing riffs machine! It's all their fault! (laughs) I, actually, don't even know how to tune a bass! (more laughs).
4.- At the beggining, what was your first musical approach?
-When I had 5 years old I listened to a lot of Michael Jackson. (laughs) But then i was introduced to Iron Maiden and my life was never normal again. I started with Iron Maiden, Ramones, Black Sabbath. Then someday, at 12 years old, i got in my hands the “Kill'em All” album. “Speed! Speed! That's what we want!”. So me and Capaça, two nerds with nothing to do besides listening to Metal starting digging up to discover more bands like that. Then came Slayer, Exodus, Forbidden, Annihillator. At that time I was already lost! (more laughs)
5.- Is there a Distrito Federal over there? cause we have one too, by the way, when are you going to come to thrash it all out?(jeje, that..s two questions in one)
-Yeah! We live in Distrito Federal, the same as Mexico DC. It would be great to do some thrash in Mexico. You just have to invite, insane friends!
6.- Do you like mexican thrash metal bands?
-I am really crazy about Strike Master. I really love this band! Recently bought their CD “Up for the Massacre” and it sounds real killer thrash! It would be great to play with them, do some stage divings at “Thrashing the blind school”!
7.- How was the experience traveling to city Portel and play in the middle of the Amazonian Jungle at the Moshing With Violence Tour 2005?
-The most incredible experiences of our lives. Twenty hours in a boat, travelling through the middle of nowhere to make a concert, meet some thrashers and mosh it up! Great! Portel is a really small town in the heart of the amazon forest, and there are a lot of crazy bangers there. It seems like they were in the 80's, tape trading and a real passion for metal. No trendies and no money involved. Hope we can come back there someday.
8.- For you who are the most representative metal bands from Brazil nowadays?
-There a lot of great bands and a lot of great friends. Friendship is for us the most important thing in the underground. Here is a list of bands and friends, if you dont know them run for it! Bywar, Farscape, Blasthrash, Flagelador, Imminent Attack, Bandanos, Serial Killer, Overcast, Hate Your Fate, Low Life, Slaver, Pesticide, DFC, Funeratus, Executer, Massacre Bestial, Comando Nuclear, Eternal Devastation, Devil on Earth, Speed Metal Hell and lots of more!
9.- Sepultura or Sarcofago? why?
-Schizophrenia for me its the best brazilian album ever. So, I would choose Sepultura. Probably Sarcofago has a more historical importance to the development of Metal, INRI is an album totally pioneer. An brutality with no comparisson. But for the killer riffs, murderin' mosh parts, assassin speed, the approach with punk/hardcore and everything else I pick Sepultura from the times Schizophrenia/Beneath The Remains.
10.- Man, how was playing with great master of metal Destruction and Malevolent Creation?
-Really great! But I enjoy more playng with our friends like Bywar or Blasthrash in underground holes. It's more fun. And playing with international bands are nice, but its nothing that changes your life. Have to keep our feet in the underground. The concert with Destruction, by the way, it was really nice, cause Mike got behind the stage bangin his head and allowed us playing one more song. I'll never forget that wonderful scene.
11.- Do you have any plans (a new CD, single, DVD, a split maybe) in the near future?
-Yes, we are working in new songs for new stuff for this year! Hope this horrible world let us live intill there! Cheers and thrashin' thanx to you all! See ya! UFT!
You can check this guys on:
By Hashis Warrior.
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