This is the Interview with this Punk/Metal band by Irving.
Hey, how you guy’s doing? Thanx for accepting this interview, we hope you like it. Well let’s start.
1.- When and how the band started?
-Hi and thanx for this interview... We started INEPSY in 1999 in Quebec city, well,at the time it wasnt really what INEPSY is today. We were just a bunch of friend sharing a reharsal space, so it was nothing really consistant. Sam(drums), Chany (lead guitar/vocal) and Rat(first bass player) decided to move to Montreal because the punk scene was bigger and more organized there. We giged around the punk venues and underground music pub for a while...and then one day, Yannick from Feral Ward(also guitar player for TRAJEDY) was in Montreal, saw us live and offered us to release our first 7inches. We got pretty lucky because there was not really many cool label in Montreal interested in our stuff so....
2.- What bands influenced the band?
3.- What you think about the relation between punk and thrash?, I mean, some metalheads hate’s punk and some punk’s hate metalheads, since the 80’s. what you guy’s think about that?
-Well its kind of stupid because isnt ....TRASH.... means garbage wich is like pretty close to what PUNK means. Punk rocker uses rock n roll in a extreme way to express their anger against those society conventions. It doesnt have anything to do with music abilities... With metalhead there is a big part of them who wants to be succesfull and i guess its where the 2 styles cant get along pretty good. But what they seems to forget is most of the trash metal took their influence from fast punk hardcore band. Slayer, Metallica, Kreator, Sodom...they were all into Discharge.
4.- How’s the scene in Canada? Specially Montréal
-One of the best in North America...lots of good band, lots of punx, lots of venue to play.
5.- how hard was for you guy’s start playing gig’s and recording albums?
-It´s was really hard when were living Quebec city but after we moved to Montreal evertyhing was way easier.
6.- any of you guy’s use to play or currently play in another band?
-Sam did record with HELLBOUND on their split CD with waves, recorded and played gigs for a punk rock band called C.C.S.S. J-P (bass player) is currently filling up on bass a garage punk band called DEMONS CLAW , Chany (lead guit/vocal) is currently doing a G.B.H tribute band and Bobe(rythm guit) is also in a 80..s rock cover band called Colt 45.
7.- Have you ever been in mexico? Any of you guy’s?
8.- There’s a lot of punk and metal scene down here. Doe’s the band have any plans for touring mexico? (it would be awesome IMO)
-No we havent really plan to tour Mexico yet ...we are not really touring a lot because we are all poor and we can not save money. Right now we can not even afford a van and we heard its really hard for a DIY band to get through the border because if you dont bribe the police you can get rob by the border officer bacause they are all corrupt.
9.- Tell us about your latest album “no speed limit for destruction”, how much time did take for the release?
-We worked on writing new songs for about a year. Well not full time because we couldnt met up as much for reharsals...We were tired of doing the same style off the previous records so we wanted to do a full rocknroll album, unfortunatly we werent satisfied of certains songs of the new material so we only kept 8 for the recording and re-record one of our first song ever wrote TIME BOMB. Thats why there is only 9 songs on the new record. We took 4 days to record it but we felt it wasnt enough time. Chany finished the artwork after the recording and it came out a few months later.
10.- Does the album title have any special mean for the band?
-Of course...the title clearly mean what humanity is doing. All of use are use to live in a destructive way...we pollutes, we fight each other, we creates more an more destructive weapons and its seems its never gonna ends till this big machine will eventually crash.
11.- What is the problem in the u.s, ; why the band can’t cross the border?
-USA don´t like stranger, all their law are reenforcing the control on their border every year. So if you only have a little felony on your records its impossible to get there. And they also dont like the idea of bands from other country who get into USA to play gigs and get their money even if its really not a lot.
12.- What “inepsy” means foe the band?
-INEPSY is the fusion of two words... INEPT and PSYCHOLOGIC wich it mean that we are all mentally inept.
13.- Which Canadian band you think is the best?
-Well past or present? for the past band, GENETIC CONTROL, UNRULED, SLAUGHTER, VOIVOD were pretty solid. For present, bands like AFTER THE BOMBS(mettalic crust), BRUTAL KNIGHT(harcore ala gang green) GERM ATTACK(punk) really deliver what we missed hearing for the past 20 years.
14.- Any of you went on the exploited Montréal riot?
-Me and Chany did, yeah it was crazy.
15.- What inspires the band lyrics?
-War, humanity deprived, drug abuse, society.
16.- How you make the songs?
Chany(lead guit/vocal) usually show up in the reharsal room with interesting riffs for chorus and verse and we all built the whole song all together.
17.- What album you prefer show no mercy/slayer or endless pain/kreator?
-Endless Pain is a terrific raw and brutal record.
18.- Razor or Annihilator?
-Razor but we only know Evil Invaders.
19.- Favorite punk bands?
-Discharge, G.B.H , Varukers.
20.- Favorite metal bands?
-Motorhead, Girlschool, Tank ,Sodom, Sacrilege(uk), early Destruction, early Kreator, early Voivod.
21.- Municipal Waste or Toxic Holocaust?
-Toxic Holocaust is more the kind of metal we like but Municipal Waste fucking ripp too!
22.- Death sentence(Can) or Pantichrist?
-Death Sentence.
23.- Well this is our last question, and we would like to thank you guy’s for let us do this interview, we hope you enjoyed it and well thank you very fucking much again. Is anything you would like to say to the Mexican punk/metal scene?
-IF YOU START BAND...KEEP IT SIMPLE AND STUPID and keep playing till you can do a decent recording, this is the best way to do it. thanx to OBLITERACION Web Zine.
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