This is the interview with Anders Schultz drummer of Unleashed!
By Irving.
1. - Cheer's and beer's, we would like to thank you guy's for this interview, we really appreciate it. Let's start. How and when the band started?
-Thanks for havin us! unleashed started back in 1989. after nihilist disbanded johhny went lookin for members to create a true death metal band...and the rest is history!
2. - Which band's influenced on unleashed?
-Hard to say nowadays...but back in the start it was bands like venom, motörhed, bathory, death, autopsy etc
3. - Does the name "unleashed" means anything special for you?
-When the name was chosen and to this day the name just clearly represents what the band stands for!
4. - What you think about the death metal scene on Sweden?
-The scene now is thriving and has reverted back to past glory i would say! most of the old classic bands are still going strong and new ones have came along the way.
5. - What's coming for the band on this year?
-A lot! we are planning the release of the new album "hammer battalion" in late may with extensive touring to follow...be prepared!!
6. - You guy's have any plans about touring Latin America?
-Nothing is sceduled as of yet but we definately hope to asap!
7. - What you think about the scene in México? There's a lot of fans here.
-Mexico has always been good for us and we have played some of our most memorable shows ever there! we look forward to coming back!
8. - Have you ever heard any Mexican bands?
-Of course, infinitum obscure and serpens aeon are two faves!
9. - Tell us about your latest album "Midvinterblot"
-Not latest for long haha! but we were very pleased with it and the reaction to it was amazing everywhere!
10. - And how's the "hammer battalion" recording going?
-It's now completed! it went extremely well and we couldnt be happier with the result...cant wait for it to come out and see the reactions!
11. - Is there any way to get your demos?
-Afraid the only place would be e-bay or the likes..
12. - What inspires the band to write the lyrics?
-A lot of different things inspire the topics of lyrics. as well as old nordic traditions we are also quite inspired by the world today.
13. - And what comes first, music or lyrics?
-Usually music comes first and lyrics will follow.
14. - When the band started, did you guy's ever thought that the band would be one of the most representatives band's in the Nordic Metal scene?
-I dont think anyone in the early bands realized what was to come. but for us at least it's an honor to be considered as such and we try hard to not disappoint that legacy!
15. - If you could get a chance to bring back to life a band, which would it be?
-Hard to say...alot of bands are nowadays reforming, like latest unanimated for instance. but obviously autopsy would be awesome to at least see live again!
16. - Is there anything else you would like to say to the Mexican and worldwide scene? Or something you want to add to this interview?
-Thanks to all for the long time support! look forward to seeing all on tour! cheers!
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