This is the interview with crazy Thrashers "Lethal Dossage".
1.- How is the way you get involved in Heavy Metal, to be more specific what was your first musical approach to this genres?
- Well growing up we were always around music, but what caught most of our attention was Metal! We all started off listening to classic rock and it just progressed from there. We found that we enjoyed the more aggressive and heavier sound of music!
2.- When and how the band started?
- The band was started up by our drummer Andre Vega an a previous guitar player we had in the band, Arturo Amaya. It was the remains of an old band they tried starting up but didnt work out. Thats where they approched me and asked if i wanted to start something up with them. I also knew of a guitarist in mind which we recruited and then later joined the band. Since we were all local and good friends it was very easy to come together and play what we all had a passion for music and SPEED METAL!
3.- Could you talk us a little about Thrash Metal Scene in California? How is the relationship with other bands, you have good places for play, etc...i mean for us in Mexico looks like a very big Thrash Metal scene.
- Yes, i heard the Thrash Metal scene in Mexico was very alive we hope to play there soon! As far as the scene in California its great! Were form LA and from what we've been seeing the scene has been getting bigger again! Alot of bad ass Metal bands are coming out and tearing shit up! Most of the local Thrash and Speed Metal bands is where we have a better realationship with! We all know what we like and live for and we know what to deliver to our fans! Its just a great enviorment and vibe that comes off a Thrash Metal show in LA! Nothing but pitting, headbanging, stagediving and just fuckin fun!
4.- I heard some songs of the demos in your Myspace page, and i ahve to say is a KILLER THRASH METAL!! being from California (one of the best Thrash Metal scenes in history)who are your most important influences?
- Wow thanks alot! Yeah being from LA is great! Had alot a good chances to see all of our influences and legends that came back together like Judas Priest, Anthrax, Testament!
But some of our Important influences have to be Slayer, Iron Maiden, Venom, Death and soo many more man too many too list haha. But alot of our style and aggressiveness comes from those bands for sure.

5.- Tell us about the process of composition, all of you participate or somebody have the mainly idea for a song?
- When it comes down to writting we all have a say in it. When someone has an idea for lyrics, riffs and even for drum beats we speak our mind and try to stirr something up for a song or an idea for a song. But theres really no main person that contributes the most we all write together and compose songs together!
6.- What inspires the band lyrics?
- When writting lyrics many things influence us, it could be from things we see on t.v., things we dont agree with, death, and so on. Its just basically what were interested at the time or what we feel would be a good thing to bring to attention!
7.- Besides music do you have another activities or just music?
- Music plays a big role in our life but besides that we all do different things like of course work, school, or just hang out check out shows, parties, girls ha etc.
8.- Plans for record a Debut Album or sign with some Label?
- Yes! We are at the moment managed by New Renaissance Records and personally managed by Ann Boleyn (Hellion, Detente)! We are expecting to record and be on the next Speed Metal Hell compliation through the lable and later record a debut album!
9.- In your own words could you describe Thrash Metal?
- Wow! In my own words Thrsah metal is many things!
Its not just music but something way important for some people! If you ask any true metal head around they would say that they cannot live without music like that! It could be what gets you though the day or just something to fucken drink too! Thrash can be described in so many different ways be i know we can all agree that its going anywhere!!!
10.- When you are holding a jam-session in the reharsal, do you then sometimes also cover a song or play a classic metal anthem?
- Ha oh yeah when we started thats all we played! We jammed from Metallica to U.F.O! Its just fun to play music that got you influenced in to that genre in the first place!
11.- What did your first demo give you as a musician and as a person?
- When we recored and released our first demo it meant alot for us. It gave us a sense of accomplishment as a musian and as a person. Not alot of people thought we would be able to play what we wanted until they heard out first demo! They just saw us as just another Thrash band coming out. We wanted to be more than that and stick out more than that, so i think our first demo had a good impact on that!
12.- Have you started working on some newer songs yet?
- Yes, actually we have about 3 songs completed and ready to be recorded and about 3 more were working on and were expecting a whole lot more!
13.- Okay, time to end up this interview, anything to say?
- I just wanna say thank you for the interview and also giving us the chance to be promoted by you! And just wanna say look out for us, check us out at
www.myspace. com/lethaldossage or
www.lethaldossage. com and you'll be hearing more from us very soon!!
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