This is the Interview with Dr. Bautista from Thanatology!
1.- First of all, could you tell us about the history of Thanatology, how does this proyect is formed?
-It was formed by mistake on 99 with 5 teenagers who wanted to scare the shit out their classmates…all went wrong cause the concept was very well acepted; by personal matters (medicine school) I got back with Dr. Picos on 2006 with a more defined idea of what Thanatology is now and here we are starting on 2009 with the proyect.
2.- Is there more people involved besides you and Dr. Picos?
-Not musically, Thanatology will always be Dr. Picos and me until the end. But there is other people who help us in other matters cause we do not have the time to attend all this shit.
3.- Do you remember what bans or what album motivated you to create music?
-Yeah, it was a long time ago (96, 97) and that would be Harmony Corruption by Napalm Death, that´s the band that made me jump up on a satge, sing and make the stuff I am doing now.
4.- In my personal point of view Thanatology offers an extraordinary combination of grindcore and death metal I remember the good old times of Napalm Death, are they a musical reference for you.
-Good ears you got there David! Coming from me the answer would be yes, but Dr. Picos Believe me! He doesn´t listen metal at all and he say influences does not come from metal.

5.- Your demo “Grind Metálico Forense“ was a little sample of what you can do before you release your EP “La Clínica de lo Grotesco“ what differences do you find between the demo and the EP?
- Exactly, “Grind Metálico Forense“ was just a little sample so we could release “La Clínica de lo Grotesco“ and there are several improvements…in my opinion the art, the concept, the recording, the music are superior in all aspects.
6.- How was contacting with Disgorge´s Ed Talorda for the solo recording on the EP?
- Ed (Disgorge) and Travis (Cattle D.) are very good old friends and they knew the band in 99, since the they´ve became followers of Thanatology and when they knew I was coming up with the proyect they offered their help in anything ans so I asked them to participate on the recording.
7.- Doctor, could you tell us where does the title “La Clínica de lo Grotesco“ came from?
- Sure, the idea was taken from a painting called the “Gross Clinic“ by Thomas Eakins in 1875. This title (as well as the picture) always had a strong impact in my subconscious and i´ve always wanted to use it for Thanatology.

8.- How could you define Thanatology´s sound?
According to us musically, it is grind with metal and thematically forensic, in other words…FORENSIC METALIC GRIND!
9.- If you could have the chance to participate in a mexican Festival which bands would you choose to share the stage with?
- Definitelly Disgorge, Hacavitz (personally they are the best stuff in the country without underestimate other bands from the national scene).
10.- Does the lyrics are related with real people cause in “Escuadrón de Enfermería“ I can imagine a lot of nurses raping a patient, je je.
- Ja, ja, ja if I could tell you man! But no, the title is part of the concept of the EP and also it is kind of a tribute to our guradian angels (nurses). Believe me nursery in this country unfortunatelly is very despicable.
And yes, there will be much more songs based on real medicine personalities.
11.- Who made the EP cover art? Very “Severed Survival“ from Autopsy I must say.
-Me and a visual artist named Rodolfo Arana (is the same guy who made the demo art) and you know? A lot of people tell us that reference about the cover art, but being brutally honest it was not our source of inspiration at all.
What we intended to do was to tell the story contained in the songs graphically and that is how the image for the EP was molded…it wasn´t easy to came up with that visual solution.
12.-Do you have any plans maybe debut album, touring?
- Plans?..well they are many, a month ago we sign a record deal for two albums so in that aspect we are very glad and to finally play live! (medicine demands a lot of time).
13.- Where does your names come from?
-The titles are real Picos and me we both are surgeons (certified by the medical asociation of B.C.) nicknames aren´t real cause we do not want people to know who we really are cause we are mixing our proffesion with music, the hipocratic community is very jelous of its discipline and we don´t want to create any conflict between us.
14.- Thank you very much for the interview Dr. Bautista would you like to add anything else?
-Thank you David and welcome to the Grotesque Clinic!
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