This is the Interview with Chirs the master mind of Pervertum Obscurum.
1.- Tell us a little bit about your name Pervertum Obscurum and why did you decided to change the name of Death Power to Pervertum Obscurum?
- I decided on the name Pervertum Obscurum as I thought it suited the musical direction that I was heading for. For me the music is perverse sounding with an obscure underground touch so joining the two names together fitted in well. I have had a few names like Necropath, Funereality, Crimson Ecstacy and of course Death Power, but I wanted a more serious name (as well as there being a Death Power in France) before I released anything to the underground masses. Nothing was ever released properly under any of these former names other than Pervertum Obscurum.
2.- How do you deicide be a one man band and how hard is do all the work by yourself?
- I decided to go on the solitary path due to many reasons, but the main one was to have total control and to do things in my own time without having to adjust to anyone else’s schedule. I only work on new music when the time is right so any idea is not forced as well as being not much stress (or none at all) having to deal with a full band line-up with regular rehearsals, gigs, band politics ect. It is quite easy doing all the work my self as I have a home studio set-up so I can work on music anytime that I wish as well as recording too. It can get tiring with having to track all the instruments on my own as well as mixing and mastering, but no stress from a full band line-up clearly compensates this matter.
3.- Who are your main influences about music and lyrics?
- I would say it would be the many years listening to metal since about 88-89 and seeing the bands that this great country has spawned over the years have been a huge influence to on me too. Its hard to single out one specific genre or band as I have quite a diverse taste in music, but for Pervertum Obscurum it will always be the bands from the darker side of the metal spectrum that influences the music and lyrics. I classify the sound as Death Metal with elements of thrash and black metal, even some death/doom at times. Here is a list that I compiled to show some of my favourite bands so you can see where the music is coming from. Excarnated (of course HA HA!!!), Deicide, Dismember, Mortician, Samael, Hypocrisy, Death, Obituary, Kreator, Sepultura, Autopsy, Possessed, Celtic Frost, Hellhammer, Destruction, Dark Throne, Voi Vod, Napalm Death, Repulsion, Morbid Angel, Therion, Disembowelment, Necrotomy, Abremalin/Acheron, Corpse Molestation/Bestial Warlust, Entasis, Armoured Angel, Persecution (Melb), Cadaver, Bolt Thrower, Carcass, Manowar, Iron Maiden, Candlemass, Metallica, Slayer, Sacofago, Incantation, Blasphemy, Krisiun, Beherit, Asphyx, Sodom, Venom, Sadistik Exekution, Mortal Sin, Hobbs Angel Of Death, Onslaught, Exodus, Nocturnus, Morgoth, Cannibal Corpse, and many more.... Note that I meant some of these bands early material before they changed their style and I take my influences from all of the metal genres. By all means this is just a short list of bands that are my favourites.
4.- How is the Metal scene in Melbourne?
- The Metal Scene has its ups and downs here, but overall it is strong for the small amount of people who listen to this music. Some of our bands have had some international recognition from labels and touring so that is a positive thing for us. There are gigs from time to time and now promoters seem to be bringing out more international bands lately so there are more international bands playing here than local bands at times. It can drain the finances, but it’s good to be able to see bands without having to travel half way around the world. I tend to promote Pervertum Obscurum through the international underground scene rather than locally though. It’s a far bigger market and since I don’t play live no one really knows about it other than friends and people who keep an ear to the underground through mail and tape trading.

5.- You was in some bands like The Nihilistic Front, Sanguineous, Hacktician, Death Power, Manifescium and Excarnated, so how many years you have into Heavy Metal?
- I started to play guitar on and off from 1991 onwards and singing later on. Some of the material from Pervertum Obscurum goes back as far as 1990 with a couple of riffs and lyrical ideas so it gives you an idea about where I come from musically. Like I stated before I discovered the more heavy stuff in 88/89 and I always had a soft spot for hard rock like AC/DC beforehand so it was natural for me to get into the heavier bands later on once I set upon my angry teenage years. The first band I was involved with was Manifescium and that was about 94 where we released 3 demo’s locally before calling it a day in about 95. In 1996 I was on the first Antichrist demo and then formed Excarnated in 1997 under the name of Hacktician, then splitting up in 2006. I did not really do much under the Death Power moniker, besides recording 4 songs on my 4 track machine and coming up with riffs in the meantime while Excarnated was having downtime between line-ups or breaks. The name changed permanently to the current Pervertum Obscurum in about 2005, but the music is more advanced than the aforementioned Death Power hence the name change. Once Excarnated split up I was asked to sing for Sanguineous and The Nihilistic front who both feature ex members of Excarnated. Sanguineous features Tony and the music can be described as extreme dark death metal and The Nihilistic Front features Gary and the music is downtempo death/doom with some experimental elements. As you can see I have been quite busy over the years. I am lucky I have a very loving and understanding wife. That wasn’t the case with some girlfriends before who did not like my metal obsession. Metal is a cult and not a trend. Metal to death !!!
6.- How many time the recording of your demo "Mass Murder Mutilation" in 2007?
- The demo was recorded in 2 sessions in 2005 and 2007 so there is a slight difference in sound and songs from side 1 to side 2. It is about 30 minutes of primitive death metal and the response has been great so far. I got some studio equipment in 2004 and learned how to use it to benefit what I wanted to record so I won’t be going into a proper studio for a long time if ever. I like ugly and raw productions anyway. Fuck the crystal clear productions from the modern “death” metal bands. Each recording seems to get better and with a bit of experimentation with gear I can get the job done easily.
7.- Could you talk us about this song "Miasma of Pestilence"?
- Actually the song is called “Nuclear Pestilence” and is about a zombie apocalypse after Gods downfall by nuclear warfare, cleansing all life from earth by the undead plagues that radiation has spawned. A very simple structured death metal song from start to finish to open the demo with.
8.- Could you talk us about this song "Funeral Storms"?
- “Funeral Storms” is the first song that I wrote under the Pervertum Obscurum moniker and has some Celtic Frost, Asphyx and Dark Throne elements to the songwriting. This is the song that I first said to myself “yes this is the birth of Pervertum Obscurum” and it gave me a basic idea on what I wanted the band to sound like. Its probably the most primitive song that I have ever written, but still one of my favourites from the Mass Murder Mutilation demo.
9.- For you what is most important, the music of the lyrics?
- Both go hand in hand to me, but I think the music is what most people will listen to as there is no point having good lyrics to bad music. I spend most of my time for Pervertum Obscurum writing riffs and structuring the songs where the lyrics come last after all the music is structured how I want it to be. The lyrics for Pervertum Obscurum are rather primitive, but I wanted it that way as it suits the music better. Without sounding like a college scholar I tend to write more in depth lyrics with The Nihilistic Front and Sanguineous.
10.- How was the contact with Evil Speaks Records?
- I was in contact with Luke who runs the label as he used to go and see my former band Excarnated when we played gigs here. He was interested in releasing something like the Excarnated demo’s on CD after we split up, but I told him about my project Pervertum Obscurum instead. I gave him a copy on what I was doing and he really got into it. He done a great job for me pressing up 500 pro tapes and sending them out worldwide. I don’t know if he is doing much with the label these days, but he done a pretty impressive job getting the demo’s out into the underground.
11.- Besides Pervertum Obscurum, do you have other occupation?
- I work for a lab collecting samples of our drinking water to make sure it is safe so that keeps me busy as I am out on the road all day. It gives me time to listen to music so I don’t complain about that aspect of the job. It would be impossible to survive on the money from being such a small band so there are no limo rides, copious amounts of drugs, money, booze or groupies to satisfy backstage HA HA!!!. I live quite a humble life where I am married with a mortgage so I consider my music a serious hobby than a career move.
12.- This question is important to me, when you play a live gig, do you have some friends to play the other instruments?
- Pervertum Obscurum is a studio only band so I don’t play live. It would be boring with just me onstage singing with music going on from a CD. I would have to recruit a full band too and that can have its problems. I enjoyed playing live most of the time with my former band Excarnated, but there can be some really stressful situations at times. I decided from the start that Pervertum Obscurum would be more of a studio thing than a full time band.
13.- Could you describe in 5 words the sound of Pervertum Obscurum?
- Dark, aggressive, barbaric, primitive, and of course METAL !!!!
14.- Plans for this year maybe a debut album tours...
- I have recorded my debut CD “Within the maelstrom of fire” and this is a step up from the demo in many ways while still retaining the barbaric feel from the demo. I am looking for a label to release this so get in touch if this appeals to you. The album was recorded and mastered between February and July last year (2008) with a cover being done by Gary from The Nihilistic Front this year. It is all ready to go when a label is interested so labels contact me.

15.- Sadistik Exekution or Slaughter Lord?
- While I have much respect for Slaughter Lord for being one of our first death/thrash bands and the “Die by power” demo kills, I have to say Sadistik Exekution for overall insanity and madness. Each release gets crazier and sicker and you never know what Rok and the boys might spawn upon the feeble masses, but the legacy will always live on. “Get a dog up ya, ya fukin poofta mongrels”. Great aussie saying he he!!!
16.- In all you long career as musician, what has been the most rewarding aspect of metal music?
- I think it is getting the positive feedback from the music I have created and the friends I have made through mutual love for this type of music. It is more of a way of life and a religion to me. Trends, girlfriends, and fads come and go, but the music has never left me and it never will. Some people are still surprised that I still like this music, but why give up being a fan of it because it is not the trend of the month. Who cares about these posers anyway? The music itself has been so uplifting for me even in my darkest times so that is a reward in itself.
17.- For last anything you wanna add or comment?
- Thank you David for taking the time and interest in my music and the best of luck to your zine. For the readers feel free to check out my music and contact me if you are interested in merchandise or anything related to the band. HAILS!!!!
You can check this guys on:
1 comentarios:
Hey your website is cool
look at at this crazy emo video:
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