This is the interview with R. G. Adversor vocals and guitars from this crazy blasphemous bastards of Vehementer!
1.- How are you? First of all, tell us yiur names and possitions and how do you formed the band?
- Hails man!!! We are VEHEMENTER from Serbia, play evil old school metal, drink all kinds of alcohol, collect vinyls and await the apocalypse!!! The positions - Im R. G. Adversor founder of the band and only original member, i play guitars and do vocals ! S. T. Zealot plays bass and Z. D. Zombie is on drums!!! All three of us also play in Serbian death/thrash metal band Infest!!! We also have 4th member in VEHEMENTER! Kozeljnik of the cult Serbian bands The Stone and May Result will be playing second guitar for the live shows!!! The band exists from 2003 only it was called ORDEAl at the time and in 2004 I changed it to VEHEMENTER!!!
2.- What bands inspired you to create Vehementer with this great Metal style?
- Basically all true evil metal from it..s beginnig to these days!!! Personaly my musical taste is rooted in end of the 60ies and all the way to the beginning of the 90ies where it all died!!! And to name some of the fave bands - MERCYFUL FATE, IRON MAIDEN ,JUDAS PRIEST, MOTORHEAD,CELTIC FROST, BOMBARDER, DIAMOND HEAD ,ANGEL WITCH, SATAN, PENTAGRAM ( both, US and CHILE )POSSESSED, AUTOPSY,BULLDOZER, SHUB NIGGURATH, SARCOFAGO .VULCANO.MAYHEM( old of course),MORBID ANGEL, TREBLINKA,ROOT, MASTERS HAMMER, BLASPHEMY,ANGELCORPSE, AND MANY OF THE TRUE SPEED/THRASH BANDS OF THE 80ies ( to many to mention) also i listen to old rock & roll a lot!!!
3.- Do you have demos or some recordings before this coming EP?
- We have only one song called IMPROPER BURIAL recorded before the ep! It was recorded in 2005 and because of the many problems that i had with lineups of this band it was never released!!! IT will be released soon as bonus on the tape version of the EP!!!
4.- How is the Metal scene in Serbia?
- The scene over here sucks!!! There is wery small amount of quality bands and the rest is a bunch of kids tryng to sound like arch enemy and other simmilar shit!!! Just to name few with balls - BOMBARDER probably the first speed metal band on this part of the world still doing shows, releasing stuff and still are the best!!! KUGA -great speed metal band soon to release debut album, of course THE STONE ,MAY RESULT, the most sucesfful Serbian bands led by the same people!!! There are also few more bands with potential- ZAKLAN, POSMRTNA LITURGIA, TOXIC TRACE, POLLUTION, NADIMAC, VERGEL, BESOMAR, SAMRT,and legendary beer metal band M.A.D. GOYA!!!
5.- At the time you are composing a new song, who is the one that bring the main idea of the song, or do you all participate on it?
- In this band im the only autor and i think it will stay that way!!! I belive that is for the best because i have a right vision of how everithing should look like and the guys are here to help me make do that right!!!
6.- Where does the lyric theme come from? Why having this topics in lyrics?
- Lyrics of VEHEMENTER deal with the DEVIL and APOCALYPSE and that is all i have to say!!! lyrics are not going to be printed in the booklets of our releases and i know that the true ones shall feel their purpose!!!
7.- How much time did you took to have ready the EP songs and recording?
- The songs from the ep were ready for about four years befere the recording!!! We recorded the ep in DRAFT studios BELGRADE and we al already had some experience with that studio cause we recorded our other band INFEST there!!!
8.- How can we stay underground with fashions which kill genres like Thrash Metal, Death Metal and Black Metal?
- Trends are unavoidable and always were!!! Those who know the old spirit right and have sensed it right are imune to this disease!!!
9.- What can we expect from your EP, you worked with some label or independent?
- Yeah there are some great releasing plans but right now everithing is in a proces of preparation so i can´t really speak about it!!!!
10.- Besides music, what jobs or activities do you have?
- Well ZOMBIE have some werehouse job and ZEALOT is still in coledge Im a tattoo artist by profesion and i study graphic design also i do allot of coverart,logos e.t.c and all are other activities include our music!!!
11.- Could you define in 5 words the music of Vehementer?
- It´s raw, wicked, archaic, bestial, and it is written in the devils glory!!!
12.- How is a gig of Vehementer?
- Our shows in the past were pretty brutal ! yeah and im very proud of that haha !!!! lot of drunk people in the club and 3 guys on the stage more drunk then all off them hahahahaha!!!
13.- What can you say about this song "Greatest of Circles (Ritual Fire)"?
- It was the one of the first song ever written by me heavily influenced by CELTIC FROST! most of the my people that heard the ep like that one the most !!! my personal fave is CHRUSH THE OATHBREAKER!!
14.- Plans for this year, touring, splits...
- As i sad there are some major plans about releasing some splits and other shit but I realy must keep my promise and be quiet till we arrange it all !!! than we can do another interview haha !!! what i can say is that VEHEMENTER and our other band INFEST will be playing together in CZEH REPUBLIC on 19. and 20 of june but we dont know all the details yet !!!
15.- Anything you wanna add?
- What to say?? I enjoyed the questions and really appreciate your support! HAIL FOR THE REVIEW AND THE INTERVIEW!!!! DONT EVER GIVE UP THE OLD SPIRIT!!!!
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