This is the nterview with Dew - Scented.
1.- Hello guys, how are you? What was your motivation for create ”Dew – Scented”, i mean you have in your country bands like Kreator, Sodom, Destruction, Darkness, Tankard, Living Death… so they was a motivation for you?
D-S: Hola, que tal? Por aqui todo bien ;-) Well, tough question to start with, really!? What were our original motivations when we started out the band? I guess we wanted to have a good time with the music we most enjoyed listening to and we also wanted to be a more direct and more active part of the scene by forming this band, I guess. I guess all the bands that we were / are into in a way contributed to inspire us to begin as musicians as well in some way. Some of the ones you named belong to our faves, yes, and it’s certainly amazing to see that we managed to add our very own feel and flavour of Thrash Metal into the mixed throughout these last years…
2.- In your experience, how was the search for a studio or label for record your demotape “Symbolization”, it was hard, easy or just the right moment?
D-S: It was both challenging and exciting back in those days. I remember we were super happy with how the demo tape came out and started to spread it and of course also to sell it at shows. The good response from the media and from the people who care about our style of music was very positive and encouraging at the same time, so we simply continued to work hard and grow at the same time. I guess the “hype” for extreme Thrash Metal wasn’t very strong around those days 92 – 94 as it seemed that gothic metal or black metal plus of course extreme death metal were taking over the spotlights. So actually it wasn’t all too easy with the style we were playing but since it was the only way for us, we were happy to see some labels being interested in working with D-S right after the one and only demo tape release and from there ion things started to snowball, I guess.
3.- Immortelle is a great album, killer debut, how was the process of composition for that album, maybe a special inspiration?
D-S: Thanks for the nice words, but I am not really sure if I would agree 100% with you. I guess “Immortelle” is what it is because it was our first album and we couldn’t compare it with anything previous, so we tried our best. All in all, I believe we could have done a lot of things differently and better for that debut, but that’s the past. I think we worked hard to get the right amount of ideas and songs together before entering studios, but we also re-recorded all 6 tracks from the demo tape for the album., so I guess it’s fair to say that we simply released all material we had available around that time as our first album. Maybe we should have waited and selected a little bit more, but we were hungry and wanted to move ahead as aggressive as possible and use time on our side, especially since it took like a full year between finishing off the recordings and seeing the album finally released. But yeah it’s in the end of the day that album that got things rolling a bit more professionally and also internationally so that we started to play out quite some live shows everywhere we could and also got into the first line-up changes struggle due to the bigger amount of activity for the band where not all the original members managed to set the time off to be part of the campaign….
4.- You played with monster like Overkill, Edge of Sanity, DEICIDE, Tankard… what was the feeling when you stayed in the stage sharing with this guys?
D-S: Actually it wasn’t all in 1999. The Edge Of Sanity tour was already in 1996 for “Immortelle” and also the first tour with Deicide was in 1998 (We later toured with them again in 2003). But yeah, all in all it was a good year because we had released “Ill-Natured”; which is probably our most technical release ever…shame about the production though, as we weren’t quite happy with it. And also a lot of touring came through that year….
5.- “Inwards” opened a lot of doors in your career… Nuclear Blast release your album and you play in North America, this was the best year in your career or one of the best years?
D-S: I would say “On of the best” as every single year has its own highlights and good things to it. But definitely there was a lot of excitement and challenge around “Inwards” as we finally received proper distribution and some better promotion internationally with this release. It was the first time ever (on the 4th album) that our release would happen domestically as well in North America and in Japan and I remember a lot of very positive press for “Inwards” because it seemed that we succeeded on making our songwriting arrangements a lot catchier and more effective, plus this was the first time we actually had a really strong sounding album. It was the first time we worked with Andi Classen at Stage One studio and it definitely helped A LOT to make the music’s approach more relentless and heaver in all ways!
6.- How was the people in Europe, in Latinamerica we are crazy as hell, fucking infernal mosh pits, but i can..t imagine how is a gig in Europe, how is the energy in your gigs?
D-S: Yeah, in the best of cases a gig would always have a lot of energy with people digging the music and moving to it…however they do it is up to them and always pretty different. I don’t think you can generally say how a certain country will exactly reply to your music and your show. I think it differs a bit from each other but not too much in the end. I mean, you can have a really good show in for example Southern Germany but also a really bad show. It always depends on the atmosphere of the night of the gig, I Guess. Yeah, I know about the crazy and very intense shows in Latinoamerica. That’s why we would certainly love to come over and play some shows sooner or later with Dew-Scented. We would be the soundtrack to Inferno…
7.- What was your best gig or tour at this time?
D-S: This is absolutely impossible to say really. We had so many great experiences at single shows or tour-events throughout the years that I would really not be able to mention any special one of them here now. Let me just say that we had our good hare of fun…
8.- Sodom or Deicide?
D-S: In what sense? That’s comparing apples to oranges. I guess both bands were very important for their own scene (Thrash and Death Metal respectively). I guess “Persecution Mania” and “Agent Orange” were my fave Sodom album and for Deicide I think their debut did it best for me. We played / toured with both bands and always had a good time with them. Sodom are also from the same German area where I live so I run into them casually…
9.- In your last album “Incinerate” we can hear excellents riffs and melodies, for you this is your best and interesting album?
D-S: I would have a hard time always repeating that our newest album has to be our best to date. I mean, in the end of the day it would certainly be more up to other people to make that call and comparison. I can only say that you always try to represent the band fairly for what it’s all about around the time of doing a new album. With “Incinerate” we had a pretty creative and determined period, so that it effected the album being pretty heavy and straight forward. I like that actually. And yes, in general precise and annihilating riffing is the core element to a good D-S song so I am happy to hear that you are digging it…
10.- How do you contacted Alexander Pahl? he is a great bassist.
D-S: Wow, this already goes like 5 years back by now. He first started to help out as a session member when our original bassist Patrick didn’t come up with enough time and energy to keep up with the touring schedule of the band. This was actually in 2002 when we had some 5 weeks touring all over Europe schedule with Cannibal Corpse. Alex did a great job and we had tons of fun together on that tour so that we eventually stayed around and still is a member of the band up to this day. At the beginning he was also still active in his former band Obscenity but nowadays he is only active with D-S as proper band.
11.- Maybe someday we can see you in Mexico?
D-S: Well yeah, I would hope so too. I am very sure that our style of music would find many friends in your country and that the shows would be a blast! We are ready to come over any minute!!! Judging from the time I spent in Mexico doing some holidays last year, I can only say that you have a wonderful country and I personally would be totally happy to come back soon to spend some more time there in the sun….
12.- What are your plans for 2008?
D-S: We have some touring in Europe scheduled for February with our friends Severe Torture (Holland) and Destinity (France); so we hope that will be a good run. Also, more shows coming up soon afterwards in different countries. %Then, we are also aiming at starting songwriting for a next album between Spring and Summer, so let’s see how that goes. There is no rush with the upcoming album though, so we will simply take it easy and make sure we come up with extremely strong material for sure….
13.- Could you talk us a little about this song “Final Warning”?
D-S: Well, I see the song musically as the “blueprint” for a D-S song, really. It reminds me a bit of the track “Inwards” in its vibe. Very straight forward fast-paced Thrash Metal attack with some technical edge to things. I like it and it’s been working out great in a live situation though. It’s one of the total fave tracks for some of the other guys in the band. Can’t say that it would be within my top 5 of the new album, but thank god it’s always a matter of taste and we like all of our songs in some certain way, hahahaha! Lyrically the song is about the very last friendly reminder that you can give someone before seeing things break down. It’s about friendship and the tragic end for those who aren’t in control of their own actions anymore…
14.- For last anything to say?
D-S: Well yeah, thanks for the time and for the support with this interview! Estamos listos para venire a Mexico y tocar para todos los metaleros por alla. U n prospero 2008 y hasta pronto!!! Keep it mercilessly heavy and till next time….check out www.myspace.com/dewscented and www.dew-scented.net for current tourdates and news about D-S! Mosh!
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