1.- Brutal regards guys, how are you? How was the formation of "Insision", do you play Death Metal in your other bands "Embalmer" and "Ildoor"?
Hello David. I came along with Insision right after the First Demo " Meant To Suffer " 1997. Didn´t play In Embalmer or Ildoor, But Insisions first singer Johan Thornberg can comment on this as he still is a good friend of ours.
Ok..Long story, I´ll try to keep it short..
The music we played in Ildoor was more melodic-based blackmetal in the same vein as Marduk and Dissection, mostly because the guitarrist in that band was really into that kind of stuff. I sang and played drums in Ildoor back then..
But me and Joonas(Ahonen-Later on also Insision) felt we wanted back to our death roots and was generally fed up with the whole melodic thing.
So Ildoor split up in late 96, and I got a call from an old friend of mine, said he started a brutal deathmetal band and wanted me to sing with them, so I did and we played a couple of shows together,,That setting also had Thomas Daun on drums.
At that same time Joonas and Patrik Muhr (who played guitar in Embalmer) had met up and jammed a couple of times, and since both me Patrik and Thomas didnt feel it was working out with the other guys, we quit Embalmer and formed Insision.. that was about it..
Patrik was with us until like 2 months after the recording of "Meant to suffer" then he suddenly called me up and said he was quitting the band bacause he was moving to another part of Sweden..Ah well..
Not so long after that we recruited Roger to fill the abcense..and I guess the rest is history..
2.- For you what is the most notable difference between American Death Metal and Swedish Death Metal? Maybe the most important Death Metal Schools.
-Roger: Well, The different thing you can hear between the two scenes is the sound and the style. Swedish Death Metal dosen´t have the Techinal elements
as the american style does, though the Old School Swedish Death Metal Style is more raw and dirty/Depraved than the American.
I like them both and Insision trying to capture all of it.
3.- Your first EP "The Dead Live On" it´s really good, this open the doors to sing with a good label?
Yeah, I guess it kinda did.. We had gotten great response on the "Meant to suffer"-demo tape..I know we got a bunch of intersting deals to choose from, but we wanted to "play it safe" and signed with Heathendoom rds since we knew the guy who ran it.
I think the most important thing was the timing.
People were aching for brutal music the same way we did and we provided it..We did a lot of trading back the aswell so we had a good rep in the underground already.
Dont remember everything..haha..Roger will fill in the rest for ya.
Yea it´s pretty much everything that i can remember too, Everyone just wanted to hear the brutal shit since the Gothenburg scene was slowly getting bored.
It was a start of Insision career back then.
4.- How was the experience of played with bands like Hypocrisy, Necrophobic, Merciless and Disgorge from Mexico?
-Roger: For me Personally playing with the Disgorge (Mex) guys was one of the best things i have done with Insision.
Sad that they split up with Antimo though. I have always prefered the brutal kind of Death Metal and Disgorge are one of the most brutal bands on the planet,
They´re doing good music and they´re cool guys aswell.
5.- In the 2002 released your first album (by the way… MASTERPIECE) "Beneath The Folds Of Flash" it was hard the record sessions?
-Roger: Insision was really hungry when we ecorded that album and i think it is heard on the record when you put it on.
The Band stayed at one place toghether under the whole recording process and we had a good time.
It wasn´t that hard to record Beneath The Folds Of Flesh" album, it went smothly.
We are now writing new tunes to the follow up on our latest piece titled IKON.
6.- After 10 years, three Studio albums, and so many necks broken, how do you feel when you play in front of a crazy, noisy audience?
-Roger: Well, It´s fucking great to play this kind of music when the crowd freaking out. It only gets better and better.
We will do some more records and hoping to tour some more too.
7.- For you which one is your best album?
-Roger: I Think everyone is good but they all have their good sides and bad sides. It´s all about the sound of the records and the quality in the
writing process, Feels that we only can get better.
8.- At this moment what has been the most important tour in your career?
-Roger: The most imortant tour for Insision was the one with Suffocation of course. But we had some trubble there with the linup at that time when
Tomas(drums) did quit two months before we did go on the tour so we had to rehearse like crazy with Markus (drums) who is with us today. But it was cool
going along with the Suffo guys, They´re also one of my favorite bands and it was cool seeing them like 30 times on that tour.
9.- Now you sing with Dental Records, it´s a good label for you?
-Roger: They had trubble with releasing the album in the U.S. and we haven´t got the attention we really wanted to get when releasing
this album, Though they´re telling us that the record selles good and so on, But we haven´t seen any numbers of that yet. We will discuss what the next step is for Insision with the label as soon we have some new songs ready.
10.- When you play, you have an amazing precission and technique, how many hours do you take to rehearsal?
-Roger: We have rehearsed very much these years who have passed and for now we just rehearse like 2 times a week and
fokusing on new tunes the third day at home. If we planing a tour or gig we reharse 4 or 5 times a week, just playing the setlist.
11.- Plans for this new year?
-Roger: Keep on doing complex and brutal songs and try to get on tour....Hoping to record a new album late this year too.
12.- Well for last we hope see you sometime in Mexico, and anything to say?
-Roger: Thanks for a cool Interview. Insision are hoping to come over to Mexico
some day and kill !!!
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