1.Brutal Regards Joel! How are you? Could you tell Us a little about the history of Toxic Holocaust?
-Hi, thanks for the interview. TH started in 1999. The first release was the demo Radiation Sickness limited to about 50 copies. After some inactivity for a few years finally came the Critical Mass demo in 2002. This was the first demo to be spread in the underground trading circles, which led to the release of Evil Never Dies on Nuclear War Now / Witches Brew in 2003. After some EP's and some tours came the release of Hell on Earth in 2005, which in turn led to the deal with Relapse Records, which I just signed. I am currently working on my still yet to be titled third record which should be out by Sept. 2008.
2.What do you preffer man, black metal or thrash metal?
-I like em both. I like the evilness of Black metal and the sound of Thrash. I mean my favorite bands are Venom, Bathory, Hellhammer etc, so I guess I kinda lean toward the darker side of Metal.
3.Have you ever played in a band before Toxic Holocaust?
-Yes, lots of them! Mainly punk and crossover bands. Played drums in most of them.
4.After 2 full lenghts how do you end up contacting the people from RELAPSE RECORDS?
-Well, it kinda just fell into place. It turned out that we both wanted to work with each other so it just
made sence.
5.What is the difference between being independent and being signed with a label like RELAPSE?
-Better tours, better distribution. I can't comment on
much more right now cause me record isn't out yet, but
it seems like it's gonna work out well.
6.Do you really compose music and lyrics?
-YES, of course.
7.In some point of your career have you considered to have lined up musicians instead of having live musicians only?
-I always thought about it, but the right guys never came along. Until I find the right guys TH is going to remain a solo band where I hire musicians.
8.What are the albums that most influenced you musically speaking?
-Welcome to Hell, Bonded by Blood, Power From Hell, In the Sign on Evil, Show No Mercy, Bathory first one.
9.Why are you touring mostly in Europe?, there´s a lot of people who really likes you here at Latinamerica!!!
-I don't get many offers that seem like they will work in Latin America, I really want to do more touring there. I love the fans down there, you guys are total diehards! Expect some stuff coming your way soon I hope.
10.And lyrically speaking what vocalist have most influenced you on your voice man?
-Quorthon of Bathory and Angleripper on In the Sign of
11.Do you think somewhere in time does happen all the nuclear obliteration that you write for your songs?
-Well, maybe...but I really hope not. I would like to continue touring without the need for a chemcal suit.
12.Hellhammer or Bathory?
13.Sodom or Venom?
14.Is there any metal band from Mexico that you really like?
-Sure Transmetal, Strikemaster.
15.Besides music do you have another activities or just music?
-I collect records, drink etc. You know typical stuff
that you do when you not on stage or touring.
16.Is there any new material you´re about to release?
-Yes, I'm working on my 3rd record now to be released
on Relapse. The songs are coming along well, this will
be more of the same evil Thrash Metal that you've come
to expect from Toxic Holocaust.
Thanks Joel, anything you wanna add to this interview?
-Thanks for the interview see you guys ontour soon!!
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