martes, 9 de septiembre de 2008

Skinless Reveals New Album And Touring Plans

Death metallers Skinless has posted the following update online:

“Hey everyone, we’ve been laying low in 2008 after some pretty intense touring for the Trample The Weak…” album. We’re finally ready to start working on material for a new SKINLESS release in 2009. We’re heading to Europe very soon for a short tour and we expect to be back there next spring for a more extensive invasion. Also in the battle plans for 2009 are North America/South America and beyond”

Chris Witchhunter Dies Last Night


Dear Friends,

i want to inform you that Chris Witchhunter died last Night. A few hours ago we received a message from Witchhunters Mom that Chris is dead. We are shocked and stunned this time but we want to tell all Sodom Fans that one of the founding Members of Sodom gone forever.
At first we thought that this is not true but by the tears of Chris Mom… it´s true!

jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2008

The Seedbed of Evil: Savage Skull

Amazing and Brutal Thrash Metal band from New York, fast as hell, cool riffing and aggressive voice is the perfect combination for a great Old School Sound, they have one EP called "Beyond The Morbid Gates" and one Split with Atomic Curse. They remind me bands like Morbid, Demolition Hammer, early Sepultura, great stuff!!!

You can check this guys on:

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