jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010

The Seedbed Of Evil: Toxic Hate (Mexico)

Banda: Toxic Hate
Albúm: Demo 2010
Genero: Death Metal

ANIQUILADOR!!! Esta es la palabra correcta para definir la calidad y el sonido para este demo de Toxic Hate. Death Metal en la mejor de sus formas, estructuras, Riffs y una voz impresionante, que a pesar de tener una bateria secuenciada, me hacen recordar bandas como Demigod, Infestdead o Immolation.

El demo comienza con un intro obscuro y pesado, es como una especie de preludio hacia la locura dando paso a Toxic Hate, canción que desde el primer remate de bateria sabes que será demoledora, con un frenetico y avasallante blastbeat apoyado por ese sonido único del tremolo en una guitarra, ademas de un Riff pensado a la perfección, esta llena de cambios y una dinamica que no dejan quitarle el oido de encima, sin duda la mejor canción del Demo.
Bastard es una canción un poco menos agresiva, pero sigue manteniendo la fuerza necesaria para atraparte, un mid-tempo constante que suena increible con doble bombo! Cerca del minuto 1:50 llegamos a mi parte favorita, ese bajón denso y psicotico que solo me hace tener pensamientos de cripta, llegando a un solo de guitarra fantastico capaz de transportarte a una dimensión de miedo y nerviosismo, finalizando con ese grito demoledor ¡Bastard, Bastard, Kill´em All!

Toxic Hate solo me hace reafirmar lo que siempre he pensado, Hatemaster es uno de los músicos de Metal mas talentosos y comprometidos hoy por hoy en México. Estoy ansioso por esuchar lo que será su albúm debut, que seguramente será una joya del Death Metal, sin duda una banda con un futuro prometedor por delante! Toxic Hate solo para los amantes del verdadero Death Metal!


Veredicto: 9/10

Interview: Toxic Hate (Mexico) Spanish

Estamos de vuelta... Hoy traemos esta entrevista con Hatemaster la mente detras de Toxic Hate, devastador y agresivo Death Metal desde Tierras Aztecas.

1.- Hails Hatemaster! Para empezar podrias darles una pequeña introduccion sobre Toxic Hate a todos aquellos que no estan familizarizados con la banda?

- Hey, primero que nada, gracias por la entrevista, y el interés en Toxic Hate.
Toxic Hate es una banda de death metal, la cual recientemente salió a la luz, pues las primeras rolas las subí al myspace apenas a comienzos de este año, aunque lleva mas de un año de trabajo previo. Esto empezó a finales de 2008, y fue hasta 2009 que decidí la forma en que sacaría el material que ya tenia. La linea musical no la podría describir puntual, pues tengo muchas influencias, y no trato de copiar a ninguna otra banda, aunque seguramente quien la escuche notara similitudes con otras bandas. Toxic Hate es una banda de un integrante, pues yo hago la música, letras y producción ademas las secuencias para la batería, pero Erradikator arregla la voz a la hora de grabar, y por supuesto es la voz de la banda.

2.- Porque razon decides emprender Toxic Hate como un proyecto de una sola perosna?
- Pues en la época en que tenia el proyecto en mente no tuve oportunidad de juntar a las personas correctas, y decidí empezarlo, así, sin integrantes, sin mas. Creo que al final es buen experimeto para mi pues ahora valoro mas el trabajo que cada integrante de una banda hace, aquí lo bueno es que no tengo problemas a la hora de tomar decisiones, y hago las cosas a mi manera, y la verdad estoy aprendiendo mas de lo que pensé. pero si es trabajo muy duro, por eso también he hecho las cosas con calma y me he tomado todo el tiempo que he pensado necesario para terminar cada etapa, así como los pasos a seguir en cada proceso.

3.- Las canciones que tienes en tu perfil de myspace me hacen recordar bandas como Infestdead o Demigod, que bandas son tus mas importantes influencias para crear musica?
- Para mi siempre han sido gran influencia Morbid Angel y Carcass, pero con el tiempo he descubieto y han surgido muchas mas que me gustan mucho y de las cuales he tomado algo, aunque te repito, no busco sonar a nadie en particular.

4.- Cuanto tiempo te llevo tener listas las canciones del demo y, que tan dificil fue el proceso de grabacion?
- Las rolas que están en el myspace son las mismas del demo, decidí sacar solo estas dos y un intro, basado en el tiempo en que fueron compuestas las rolas. Estas fueron las primera que hice entre 2008-2009, y pensé que las que hice después estaban como mas en la misma linea que estas dos primeras, así que las revise, hice algunos arreglos, los solos, y las re-grabe, y dos meses después estaban listas. Todo fue grabado en MiniBox estudio, un pequeño estudio casero del sur de la ciudad, la batería la trabaje yo en mi computadora (difícil proceso para mi que no soy baterista), y la voz se grabo en La Sala De Composición, otro pequeño estudio. Mezcla y master también fueron hechas en MiniBox. En resumen, fue largo y un poco cansado el proceso, pero espero este primer materia se mueva bien, y para el siguiente material en el cual ya estoy trabajando, nos vaya mejor, y por supuesto la producción será mas detallada.

5.- Como se da el contacto con Erradikator para conformar la voz despues de la salida de Frodo 47?
- Desde el principio busque a amigos cercanos que estuvieran involucrados en la música, para e proyecto y Frodo47 era mi mejor opción, pero lamentablemente por problemas personales que se le presentaron no pudo ser la voz de Toxic Hate, así que decidí esperar y cuando tuve las rolas listas le pedi a Erradikator (amigo de mucho tiempo y metalhead de la vieja escuela), me ayudara a terminar el proyecto, y pues todo funciono bien, el hizo arreglos a las lineas de voz y algunos otros a las letras, y el resultado me parece correcto.

6.- Hablando de las letras en tus canciones, cual es el tema principal o de donde viene la inspiracion?
- Completamente social! Las letras hablan de la sociaded en la que vivimos, en como nos comportamos, o se comportan algunos, en la religión como influencia social, y de toda la mierda que encontramos a diario al salir a las calles de esta ciudad tan dificil.

7.- Crees que Toxic Hate podria conformar una base fuerte de musicos para hacer presentaciones en vivo?
- Posiblemente en un futuro esto sea real, pues parte de hacer música es poder tocarla en vivo, la verdad para el primer LP, solo he pensado en contratar a algún buen baterista para la grabación, esto es esencial para cualquier banda, pues al hacer todas las rolas con baterias secuenciadas los tiempos son precisos, eso es lo que buscaría en un bateriasta, precisión, calidad y que pueda trabajar con metronomo sin problemas. Se que por ahi hay varios buenos musicos, solo hay que encontralos y porsupuesto que esten interesados en Toxic Hate.

8.- En tus palabras que es el Death Metal?

- Creo que como genero es tal vez el mas agresivo, fuerte, y denso, pero es solo una idea, por supuesto a todos nos llegan diferentes emociones con este genero y depende también del interprete, así que creo cada quien tiene algo particular que decir a este respecto.

9.- Cual es tu percepcion de la escena Mexicana actual?
- Uff... Creo siempre ha sido dicicil, pero ahora mas, primero tenemos las modas, diferentes generos han llegado como moda, y asi se han ido, y solo han quedado las bandas que valen la pena, y comprometidas, pero creo que hoy en dia la escena es mas complicda, ahora el publico y los organizadores son menos exigentes y mas desinteresados (no todos por supuesto), ahora hay mas toquines de baja calidad que antes, ahora los organizadores prefieren hacer 5 toquincitos chafones, que 2 bien hechos, el publico ahora solo va a "tirar estilo" y a enborracharse, ya no escuchan a las bandas, y bueno si ves a las mismas banditas cada fin, pues ya te las sabes y no les pones mucha atención, ademas el publico cada vez es mas joven, claro que esto no es malo, pero ahora se preocupan mas por la pose que por realmente conocer a las bandas, a los iniciadores de géneros y se la pasan pavonenadose con sus playeras raras, originales, demostrando lo "true" que son, y todo es pura pose. De las bandas nuevas, la verdad pienso que pocas valen la pena, y veo que a nivel mundial lo realmente "underground" esta creciendo cada vez mas, con muy buenas bandas incluso nacionales, pero lamentablemente estas bandas se mantienen al margen para no caer en toda esta payasada de banditas, chavitos y poses, y valen mucho la pena. Creo que el problema general de las bandas que nunca hacen nada mas, o nunca pasan de ciertos puntos, es la calidad y lo profesionales que no son, simplemente no lo son, no se comprometen con lo que hacen, no van mas alla, no invierten, esto es importantisimo, realmente cuantas bandas saben lo que es tener una produccion pro?, saben cuanto cuesta?, por que podemos dedcucir que no lo saben? Por que siguen donde siempre, tocando en tocaditas mal hechas (culpa de todas las partes), y ahi seguiran, con una buena producción uno se exije mas, por ejemplo, si pagas un estudio de a 500 la hora, porsupuesto que te comprometes a grabar bien!, y una prodicción buena te abre mas puertas. Ser "underground", no es ser conformista, ni mal hecho, es estar en una escena en donde hay que trabajar igual que en cuelquier empresa, mucho y duro trabajo, tiempo y dinero, y pienso esto esta muy olvidado en la mayoria en estos dias.

10.- Se que tienes muchos años dentro de la musica, que es lo mas importante que la musica te ha dado?
- La música me ha dado mucho! He aprendido muchas cosas, y el tocar en vivo es lo mejor que uno puede hacer siendo músico, y mas cuando tocas tu música y gente responde positivamente y de corazón, llegar de esta forma a los demás.
La palabra es SATISFACCION!

11.- Si tuvieras la oportunidad de escoger una banda para trabajar en un split, que banda escogerias?
- Esta si es difícil, pues me gustaría trabajar con muchas bandas, de aqui de México, Evil Entourage, Sarcoma, DNB, son algunas de las que me gustan, extranjeras pues hay muchas como End Of Days, o Hate, o tal vez Kronos, no se hay cientos.
Se aceptan propuestas!!!

12.- Planes para el futuro cercano?
- Distribuir el demo hasta donde el presupuesto lo permita, y encontrar disquera pronto, pues esto de andar de "Hombre Orquesta" es caro! Seguir trabajando mucho para hacer música de calidad, y espero el LP este listo para finales de este año, y estaría muy chingos sacar un split con otra banda. A darle!!

13.- Por ultimo, algo que quieras agregar?
Otra vez agradecer el interes por Toxic Hate, y agradecer a todos los que han hecho algo en este proyecto que empieza, a Christopher por el logo, Frodo47 por las fotos, Erradikator por su apoyo, a Daniel por el diseño e incondicional apoyo en todo! y a todos los que me faltan , ya saben quienes son. Y los que no conocen a Toxic Hate, pues chequenlo ya!!!

Pueden checar a Toxic Hate en:

Interview: Toxic Hate (Mexico)

We are back... Now we have this interview with Hatemaster the mind behind Toxic Hate, crushing and aggressive Death Metal from the Aztec Land.

1.- Hails Hatemaster, firstable for all those unfamiliar with the band, could you tell us a little introduction about the band?

- Hey thanks for the interview and the interest in Toxic Hate. Toxic Hate is Death Metal bands, which recently come out to the light, I uploaded the first songs to MySpace in the beginning of this year, tough this had more than a year of previous work. This starts in the end of 2008, was until 2009 that I decided the form in which the material would be released that I already had. I can´t describe the musical line in a exact term, because I have a lot of influences and I don´t try to imitate any other band, though surely somebody find similarities with other bands. Toxic Hate is a one man band, I make the music, lyrics, production and the drums sequences, but Erradikator makes the arrangements for recording, and of course he is the voice of the band.

2.- Why do you decided make Toxic Hate like a one man band?
- In that time, I hadn´t the opportunity for get the right persons for the project, so I decided start without other members. At the end I think is a good experiment for me, because now I value more the work of any single member of a band, the good thing here is that I don´t have problems for make the right decisions and I do the work to my way, the truth is I am learning more that I was thinking. The work is very hard, I do the things calm and I take the necessary time for each stage, as well as the steps to continuing in every process.

3.- The songs that you have on your Myspace profile makes me remember bands like Infestdead or Demigod, what bands are your main influence to create music?
- For me Morbid Angel and Carcass always been my influence, but with the time I discovered and arisen many other that I like more, and I took some of this bands, but I repeat, I don´t try sound to anybody in particular.

4.- How much time did you take to have ready the demo songs and how was the recording process?
- The songs in Myspace are the same that the Demo, I decided put out 2 songs and one Intro, based in the time on which they were composed. All was recording in Minibox Studio, a small home studio on south of the City, I worked the drums on my computer (hard process because I’m not a drummer), and the voice was recorded on the Composition Room, another small studio. In short, the process was long and a little bit tired, but I hope this first material moves good, for the next material (I working on that) I hope goes better, and of course the production it´s gonna be more detailed.

5.- How is the contact with Erradikator for the vocals, before Frodo 47 leaves the project?
- Since the beginning I search close friends that were involved into the music for the project, and Frodo 47 was my better option, but unfortunately by personal issues that he had, he can´t be the voice of Toxic Hate. So I decided to wait, when I had ready the songs I asked to Erradikator (a long time friend and Old School Metalhead) if he can help me for finish the project, and all works good, he make arrangements in the vocal line and some other in the lyrics, the result is correct for me.

6.- Talking about the lyrics, what is the main theme or from where comes the inspiration?
- Completely Social! The lyrics talk about the society that we living, our behavior, the religion like social influence, and all the shit that we found in the streets of this difficult City.

7.- Do you think Toxic Hate could conform a strong Line – up for live performances?
- Maybe this is gonna be real in the future, part of make music is be available to play live. For the first Lp I only think hired a good drummer for the recording, this is essential for any band. When you make all the songs with sequences, the times are precise, I try to find in a drummer; precision, quality and he can work with metronome. I know there are some good musicians, i have to found them and of course they are interested.

8.- In your words, what is Death Metal?
- I think like a genre is the most aggressive, strong and heavy… but is just an idea. Of course all of us feel different emotions with this genre, and depends a lot of the Interpreter, so I think all have something particular to say about it.

9.- What is your perception about the actual Mexican Metal scene?
- Uff… I think always being difficult, but now is more. First, we have trends, different genres came like a trend and they gone like a trend. Only the good and committed bands stay alive, the scene in these days is more complicated, the audience and the promoters are less quality exigent and more disinterest (not all of course), now we have more gigs with low quality, the promoters prefer do 5 shity gigs that 2 well done gigs. The audience now just goes to shine their “style” and get drunk, they not listen anymore the bands, but if you see the same bands every weekend, you know what happens and you don´t put much attention to them. The audience is younger, this is not bad, but they only worry about their look and style, they don´t really want know the bands, the starters of genres; just want to presume their rare and original T-Shirts, trying to demonstrate how “True” they are, just a pose. Of the new bands, I really think only a few are good, and I see in a worldwide level the Underground is growing up with a really good bands, includes Mexican bands, but unfortunately this bands are in the line for not being a Trendy band and they are really great. The problem with the bands that never goes far away from some points, is their unprofessionalism, simply they are not Professionals, they don´t have commitments with their music, they not invest in their music, How many bands knows what is a Professional recording? How much cost? Why we can say the don´t know? Because they are in the same place, playing in some shity gigs (fault of all parts), and they will follow there; with a good production yourself demands more, for example if you pay a studio by $500 per hour, of course you commit to work perfect, and a good productions open more doors. Be Underground is not conformist, or wrong done. Is be in a scene where we have work just like every workplace, a lot and hard work, time, money; I think this is forgotten in this days.

10.- I Know you have a lot of years into the music, what is the most important that the music gives to you?
- The music gives me a lot! I learned a lot of things, and play live is the best thing that you can do being a musician, when you play your music and the people responses in a positive way from the heart, touch the people in this way. The right word is Satisfaction!

11.- If you had the opportunity to choice some band for work in a Split, what would be that band?
- This is hard, because I really like work with a lot of bands. From Mexico Evil Entourage, Sarcoma, DNB, they are some I like. Foreigners maybe End Of Days, Hate, maybe Kronos, I don´t know is there hundreds of bands. Accepted proposals!

12.- Plans for the near future?
- Distribute the Demo as far as the budget permits, and find label soon, because being a “Orchestra Man” is expensive! Keep it working for make quality music, and I hope the Lp is ready for the end of the year, and would be very cool get a Split with another band.

13.- For last, anything to add?
- Thanks again for the interest in Toxic Hate, and thank all those who have done something in this project begins, to Christopher for the logo, Frodo 47 for the photos, Erradikator for their support, to Daniel for the design and unconditional support throughout ! And all they're missing, you know who they are.
If you don´t know Toxic Hate yet, check it out now! Thanks!!!

You can check Toxic Hate on:

martes, 23 de marzo de 2010


Brazil's REVIOLENCE have just released their new CD "Modern Beast" through Marquee Records. The album mixes Heavy and Thrash Metal influences, features new singer Rod Starscream and was produced by Mauro Juliany from Soundup Studios (SP/Brazil). It will be distributed in Germany, USA, Japan, Canada and Mexico. Sound samples and more info on the band you will find at www.myspace.com/reviolence

Putrescense Records from Gainesville, FL (USA) return with their 2nd release, a re-release of the 1990 demotape from Peruvian Death Metal act CONTUMACY called "Fall Of The Structure" as a vinyl 7'' EP. According to the label CONTUMACY play very dark and heavy Death Metal with some Finnish influences and the South American vibe. CONTUMACY was one of the very first Death Metal bands from their continent without any Thrash Metal influences, just pure ugly heavy and dark Death Metal. Anybody interested in this release should contact Putrescense Records through their official myspace site www.myspace.com/putrescenserecords.

The following news have been posted on MORBID ANGEL's official website www.morbidangel.com: "World Management and MORBID ANGEL would like to let the fans know that rumors about Pedro Sandoval's back surgery are in fact true. Pete has suffered for a long time with a deteriorating disc problem. He was in daily pain and needed to have this done. He has recently been treated by a Laser Back Surgery specialist in Tampa Florida. He is currently in rehabilitation and doing well. Pete is part of our family and the band's history and we all wish him well and a full recovery. Unfortunately this type of injury, subsequent surgery and rehab cannot be rushed and it will take ample time for him to hopefully be back behind his drums again and out on tour with MORBID ANGEL. The band is moving forward on their next recording with Tim Yeung. Currently the guys are in rehearsals in Tampa putting their finishing touches on the songs for the new album, which is slated for later this year with subsequent touring world wide."

Swedish Rock'n' Roll Punk Rockers IRON LAMB, a band consisting of Metal veterans Johan Wallin (General Surgery, Scurvy, Bombstrike, ex - Repugnant), Grga Lindström (ex - Repugnant), Thomas Daun (Dismember, ex - Repugnant, ex - Insision) and Daniel Ekeroth (Tyrant, ex - Insision, ex - Dellamorte, author of the "Swedish Death Metal" book), has posted a brand new track ('I Don't Like You') on their official myspace site www.myspace.com/ironlambofficial, which comes off from the upcoming split 7" with Swedish Hardcore Punk band Motorbreath. IRON LAMB will soon enter the studio for the debut full-length album. More details to be announced soon.

“Evighetens Dårar II”, the 2nd part of the "Evighetens Dårar" trilogy and nothing else than the new demo of Swedish "free-of-charge-Death-Metal-commando" TORTURE DIVISION is available now in the download section of their homepage www.torturedivision.net. Again produced mixed by Dan Swanö “Evighetens Dårar II” offers nothing else than "the world’s best Death Metal for free", according to the band themselves. Check it out and use the "fucken paypal button" (as they write) to support them.

martes, 16 de marzo de 2010

Do You Remember This?

Fuck Yeah!!! Amazing band one of my favorites!!!


German Thrashers DESTRUCTION recently posted the following news on their official myspace site www.myspace.com/officialdestruction: "Now it's official, the DVD “A Savage Symphony”, is the farewell gift from drummer Marc Reign for the DESTRUCTION fans. Tour-stress caused personal and musical differences, so both parties decided to go separate ways in the future. Marc will concentrate on his rock-project VOLCANO and wants to keep himself open for other musical styles. He wants to thank all the DESTRUCTION maniacs worldwide and the band for all the great fun and support over all those years! Mike and Schmier wish him all the best and much success for his future projects. All announced shows will of course go ahead! DESTRUCTION are currently writing new material that will “go more back to the roots”, referring a statement from frontman Schmier."

BESTIAL DEATH's "Suicide Of The Immortal" demo is going to be unleashed by Israhellbanger Records in the classic tape format, exactly as it should have been done back in 1986, when it was recorded. It is scheduled to be released in June 2010 on pro-tape, featuring a 1” logo pin and an A4 poster. No “special” versions, no efforts to raise the “quality” of the sound and no compromises will be made. For more info go to www.israhellbanger.com

Chile's PENTAGRAM have completed their first studio recording in over 20 years. During their European tour in the summer of 2009, the band recorded the track 'Demented' - which was written in the 80s but didn't make it onto either of PENTAGRAM's demos - at HVR Studios in the UK with producer / engineer Dan Biggin at the helm. The vocals were recorded in Santiago, Chile in December when the band gathered in their hometown to support VENOM in front of 2,000 raging oldschool Metallers. The track is currently being mixed and should surface on a split 7" (for Cyclone Empire's "Imperial Anthems" EP series) later this year. More details will be announced soon. In addition, the band has begun writing new material for its first-ever full-length album. Comments bandleader Anton Reisenegger (guitar / vocals): "When we started writing, the idea was obviously to preserve the spirit of our 80s material, but, to be honest, we didn't have to try very hard. It all started flowing naturally, and it was all there: the dark vibe, the weird time changes, the 'spider' riffs... We are having a great time writing new music, but it's going to take some time to complete an album's worth of material due to the logistical difficulties. But we don't want to rush things anyway, and this way we can make sure what we put out really lives up to the legend that PENTAGRAM represents for so many people." PENTAGRAM intend to return to Europe this year again for another string of festivals and selected club shows. www.myspace.com/pentagramchileofficial

KRYPTS "Open The Crypt" demo on 12" and PUTRID's second demo tape are now available from Detest Records. Within the next weeks Detest Records will also release MIASMAL's and GRAVEHAMMER's first 7" EPs as well as ENTRAPMENT's first demo. More info and updates at www.detestrecords.com

martes, 9 de marzo de 2010


TRIPTYKON, the group formed by former Hellhammer / Celtic Frost singer, guitarist, and main songwriter Tom Gabriel Warrior, will release their highly anticipated album “Eparistera Daimones” in March 2010. To catch a glimpse at this monolithic opus either visit the band’s official MySpace page where you can already stream two full songs (www.myspace.com/triptykonofficial) or watch the following atmospheric online teaser clips featuring short music samples taken from the album: Triptykon1, Triptykon2, Triptykon3, Triptykon4. “Eparistera Daimones“ will be released as deluxe mediabook CD edition incl. 28-page booklet and extensive liner notes as well as gatefold double LP via Century Media Records under exclusive license from Prowling Death Records Ltd. on the following dates: Germany / Austria / Switzerland / Italy: March 19, 2010. UK / Benelux / France / Greece / Denmark / Norway / Portugal / rest of Europe: March 22, 2010. Spain: March 23, 2010. Sweden / Finland / Hungary: March 24, 2010. In an exceptionally rare gesture, HR Giger has granted TRIPTYKON the use of his dramatic painting "Vlad Tepes" (work no. 412, 200 x 140 cm, acrylic on paper on wood, 1978). It is the artist's first authorized appearance on an album cover in 17 years, and the second time he collaborates with Warrior (following Celtic Frost's "To Mega Therion" album in 1985). A new and exclusive gallery showing HR Giger and "Vlad Tepes" from 1978 has been added to the "Multimedia / Imagery" section on the band’s official homepage www.triptykon.net. Furthermore, TRIPTYKON have announced a couple of warm-up shows prior to the band’s appearance at this year’s Roadburn Festival where Tom G. Warrior is hosting the special event Only Death Is Real on April 16th (click here for detailed info). The upcoming TRIPTYKON live dates you will find in our tourdates section.

lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010

Do You Remember This?

Finland Aggressives Thrashers!!!!


Philadelphia's GOREAPHOBIA will join KULT OF AZAZEL, BLOODFEAST and ANAL CUNT as one of the headliners of this year's March Metal Massacre Fest in Reading, PA. Featuring over a dozen brutal bands, the show will take place at The Silo Nightclub on March 27th. Visit www.pametalshows.com for details and ticket information. GOREAPHOBIA guitarist Alex Bouks comments on the night of brutality: "We are excited to kick off the year as one of the headliners of the March Metal Massacre. We look forward to seeing all you metal tyrants there. We're also excited to be sharing the stage with friends KULT OF AZAZEL and the other great bands that will play this year."

SATHANAS will enter 905 Studios in April to begin recording their next full length album, entitled "La Hora De Lucifer". The album, that will feature artwork by Kris Verwimp, will be released by Pagan Records in Europe, Austral Holocaust Productions in South America, Evil Dead Production in Asia, and an as of yet unannounced label in the United States. Each region will have its own exclusive bonus track. The track listing reads as follows: 'Angels Forsaken', 'La Hora De Lucifer', 'Forged In Eternal Fire', 'Battle Of Bewitchment', 'Dark Conjurings', 'Engraved In The Book Of Death', 'Hammer Of Demons', 'Nocturnal Reign', 'Blackest Hate' plus 1 of 4 regional bonus tracks. For more info go to www.sathanas.net

jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010

New Book

This is really interesting.

Retrospectiva Al Metal Chileno (1983-1993) is a recently released book about the Chilean Metal scene of the decade 1983 up to 1993, as you might guess out of the title. 216 pages in 30 x 24cm deluxe format and written in Spanish language this book is meant for all those who are interested in a rather unknown Metal scene and especially in a collection of Thrash Metal bands from Chile around this era. The limited deluxe edition includes a 12" compilation LP (gatefold format) with a selection of oldschool Chilean bands such as VASTATOR, TORTURER, DORSO, NECROSIS, NIMROD, D.T.H., IN AGGRESSION, DARKNESS, CANCERBERO, BETRAYED, BELIAL, SQUAD, RUST and MASSACRE (all tracks featured here have never been on this format before). The book sells for 46 USD + shipping. If an English edition will be available later is not clear for the moment, therefore this goes out to those who are able to understand Spanish to dare a look at www.corvusdiscos.cl and read more information about this book and about the other releases of this small oldschool underground label and distro.

martes, 2 de marzo de 2010


DENIAL FIEND have issued a statement about the band's follow up to their 2007 debut full length, "They Rise". According to guitarist Sam Williams the as-of-yet untitled album will feature eight gore-filled tracks. One, entitled 'Hell Asylum', will feature guest leads from Steve Swanson (SIX FEET UNDER, ex-MASSACRE), Ralph Santolla (ex-DEICIDE, OBITUARY etc.) and James Murphy (ex-DEATH, ex-TESTAMENT etc.). The album is nearing completion with all of the guitars and drums tracked and the bass and vocals nearly done. Mixing is set to begin at the end of March. Regarding the direction the band has taken since recruiting new members last year, Williams had this to say, "Whether it's the infusion of the new members and their particular backgrounds or just the way we were going already... the new album is faster, thrashier, heavier and tighter. Oldschool Crossover Hardcore / Thrash meets Death Metal." DENIAL FIEND's 2010 recording line-up reads like this: Terry Butler - bass (SIX FEET UNDER, ex-MASSACRE, ex-DEATH), Sam Williams - guitars (DOWN BY LAW, PSEUDO HEROES), Rob Rampy - drums (D.R.I.) and Blaine Cook - vocals (THE ACCÜSED, TOE TAG). For more DENIAL FIEND updates, check out the band's new Facebook page or visit www.myspace.com/denialfiendband.

Swedish FERAL have just published the following statement: "FERAL are honored to sign to John McEntee's Ibex Moon Records, having released many albums of artists that we show great respect to. Several years of writing has given us loads of material to choose from and the time to rework our songs to perfection. Expect nothing else than our debut album to be a slab of rotting flesh reeking of groovy Swedish Death Metal. New tracks never released in any form will be recorded during this session as well, including probably the most intense material we have ever spawned. Primal rage and pure malevolence lies ahead, the FERAL beast is now howling under the Ibex Moon!" For more info check out www.myspace.com/feralswe.

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